Chapter 1- First Day and The Host Club

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"Bye!" I yelled to the kids, as I left for school.

"Have a good day". Yelled my 12 year old "brother" Skylar

"Thanks say bye to everyone for me k?" I said

"Can do sis,!"Called Skylar.

Then I stared my walk to my new school Ouran academy.

"Holy shit!"I said when I saw the school. It was Fucking Pink! Pink, of all the colors

When I got there all the girls gave me glares of disguse. Damn rich chicks.

Just because we don't have millions of bucks dos not mean we are disgusting.

I headed to the principal office to grab my schedule.

Class 1-A, well good thing I got here early.

"Ug, I'm lost." I said while mentally face palming myself.

"Are you lost?" Asked someone behind me.

"Ah! Holy shit you scared the living hell out of me." I said

"What did you say?" He asked

"Oh sorry forgot I'm not in America, but can you help me I am lost." I said

"Oh, what class?" Asked the ginger

"Class 1-A." I said

"Same class as me,come on I'll walk you." He said

"Thanks." I said

"What's your name?" Asked the boy

"Abigail but just call me Abby."I replied

"I'm Kaoru Hitchin."Said Kaoru

When we got to the classroom the teacher was not happy that we were late,

But I was new and Karou was helping me so we were let off the hook.

The teacher told me introduce myself.

"Hi there I'm Abigail but you can call me Abby."I said

"I just moved here from America, as you can tell by my accent."I said

"Any questions for our new student?"Asked the teacher

A couple kids raised there hands

"Yes, you in the back."I said

"What's your last name?"Asked the boy that looks like Karou but it's not him.

"I don't have one."I said

"Why?"Asked another kid.

"That is none of your business."I said coldly.

Then took my seat behind this girly looking boy.

- Time Skip-

"Finally!"I said to myself as the last bell rung.

'2:30 I have time, maybe I go and explore the school.' I said to myself

I was searching for a music room or a empty room, so I can practice my violin or piano.

Music room 1 was band and music room 2 was choir.

Music room 3? Well there's no sound and it looks unlocked so I went in.

Biggest mistake of my life!

After the blinding light and rose petals.

"Welcome!"And there stood 7 men, well maybe 6 and 1 cross-dresser.

"Welcome princess" said a blond with purple eyes.

He tried to kiss my head but I slapped him away.

Then he went to his emo corner.

"Sorry about him."Said the cross dresser

Oh well I got to go, but before I could open the door 4 hands pulled me back.

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