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" When I was a child

I was afraid of ghosts.

As I grew up I realized

that people are more scary."



I laid there frozen against the snow. It was as if my life, as I knew it, was a complete and utter blur. A broken distorted image that laid before me. I knew who I was, or at least I think I remember.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself lying face up looking at an enormous cloud of gray smoke that suffocated my lungs and smothered the light blue sky from my view.

I coughed and tried to clear my throat as I struggled to sit up. The second I look down at my body I panicked.

Blood... Lots and lots of blood.
I was covered in it.

"What the hell?" Is all I could manage to say as my lips and skin trembled to see my body and clothes torn up before my eyes. The crimson colour of what I presume is my blood, ran all over my legs, arms, and hands dripping freely toward the ground.

Gashes and cuts covered my pale skin. I gazed in horror as my blood falls against the once all-white snow; leaving it now stained.

What happened to me?

What I noticed was the bloody metallic taste in my mouth. I could feel it grazing my teeth and soaking my tongue. As that of this aching and cracks within my bones, as the cold winter air encased in a suffocating heavy blanket.

Surely at this moment, someone might have screamed... Calling out for help, begging for it...

But I was taught better, fear was a weakness in my father's eyes... and I... I didn't want to be afraid.

As I got to my feet I noticed what horror and madness had fallen before me.

Smashed cars everywhere! Everywhere I looked I saw vehicles and shards of glass scattered along the road. Some were burning and traces of ash and smoke cut through the trees.

I watched as cars flipped and tumbled like Autumn leaves passing thru the November wind. The noise of the metal and steel being bashed along the concrete was almost deafening.

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