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" When you're dead...

you're dead

That's it."


**** Ҟ ɇ ****

Death is one of those things that just happen. It's something we might see coming, but one can never truly tell when the reaper will come knocking on your door. Whether it be dusk or dawn? One can only hope that they get to live a life full of love and contentment... but for some, that's not alway's guaranteed.

They say angels watch over the good and protect them from all that is evil... but there were no angels that cold dismal September night. Nor was there any of the nights that followed.

I still remember the eerie feeling that came crawling over me when we first reached old Mr. Jefferson's house over on Hollow's drive. You could smell the pungent copper-like sent of blood in the air, almost as if there was a cloud of it hanging overhead.

The smell was so potent. Almost like someone had slashed open one of their veins, or that I'd simply just set foot into a slaughterhouse. One without a single window to let the heavy smell of death escape out from.

However, the blood wasn't the only cause for my discomfort. As my eyes swept over the area I realized how deserted and abandoned the streets really were. There wasn't a single living person to be seen apart from the officers and paramedics that lurked around the crime scene.

Apart from the bright flashing fluorescent lights coming from the top of the cop cars and ambulance, they seemed to be the only source of light eliminating the area. There seemed to be a power outage or maybe a fried circuit causing all the light posts to be completely out throughout the whole block.

As I looked up the sky was filled with black crows that soared and circled overhead. They even seemed to be perched high up in the big old oak tree at the foot of Mr. Jefferson's yard.

Part of me could have sworn that they were watching me as I approached the house with the others close on my heels, following my every step. Or maybe I was just being delusional.

I had passed this house every day for years well on my way to school and it had never been a house I considered to be creepy in any way. However, looking at it now I was begging to feel differently towards my initial thoughts.

The house stood tall and narrow with a very angular roof that pointed straight up to the sky. The house was also the only one in the area that still had one of those old school winding cobblestone paths that lead you directly to this creaky wooden porch that wrapped around most of the front end of the house. As for the windows of the house, they weren't exactly large... at least not like the ones I'd seen on all the modern houses. They were quite small and also seemed to be quite dirty, making it hard to peer inside and take a glance. The windows were also not exactly right... They seemed to all be off scented and stayed shut most of the year, even during the hot summer days.

Dark crimson-colored bricks were used to build the outer walls of the house, some of which looked a bit chipped and cracked, crumbling away with every passing year. The big wooden door was slightly off colour from the rest of the house and had a big grey brass door knocker right at its center.

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