sight one

669 33 7

Hyunwoo sees it during dance practice.


They're in the practice room working on the intense choreography for their comeback, and they've been going at it for hours now. They're all exhausted, breathing hard and drenched in sweat, and the room feels too hot and humid, like there's not enough oxygen to go around, the moisture sticking to the backs of their throats as their lungs struggle to suck in air.

The heavy beat pounds through the floor and through their bodies like a thrumming electric current, and their muscles are getting achingly sore as they work through their fatigue. At this point, everyone's starting to miss their cues, miss entire steps more often than not, their sneakers squeaking harshly as they frantically backstep and bump into each other in attempt to remedy their mistakes. Hyunwoo himself is even starting to see spots in the corners of his vision.

He's a strict leader, a firm believer in hard work and tough love, but it's clearly time for a break. So Hyunwoo calls time, allows for a generous fifteen minutes, and the members scatter in various directions.

Minhyuk moans loudly in relief and drops down to the floor, lies face-down for a few seconds, then gets right back up and leaves with Jooheon to get some water, still so full of energy as always, even when his muscles burn and his hair is damp with sweat.

Changkyun and Hyungwon move to sit down in a corner, leaning up against the wall. As they sit, Changkyun rests his head on Hyungwon's shoulder, his chest rising and falling with huge breaths as he chugs down water. Hyungwon brings his own water bottle to his mouth and misses, spilling all over himself, and Changkyun laughs loudly with his whole body.

Hyunwoo sits down against the mirror and tips back his own bottle of ice-cold water, feeling revitalized as it flows down his throat. His legs are throbbing and each breath feels strained and prickly, like needles clawing at the inside of his chest. His thin, sleeveless t-shirt is sticking to his body and to the smooth glass of the mirror behind him, and though it's pretty gross, he actually feels really, really good. Working up such a great sweat is invigorating, and despite the decline in quality of their performance over the past hour or so, in general, the choreo is starting to look awesome. He feels optimistic and so proud of his members, all of them giving their best effort and trusting him (and each other) to always work hard for the team.

He glances over at Kihyun and Hoseok, who are still standing up on the other side of the room. Hoseok is doubled over with his hands on his knees and his head hanging down while Kihyun leans against the wall, breathing hard, mouth hanging open and cheeks flushed pink.

Kihyun in particular has been having a lot of trouble with their new choreo, and Hyunwoo can see that his eyebrows are still furrowed in frustration. Kihyun unscrews the cap on his water bottle and takes a few delicate sips, then puts it back down on the ground and goes back to practicing by himself.

He steps away from the wall and starts going through the motions of the choreo, humming the music to himself, deep in thought. Hyunwoo watches him with fascination. He's not surprised; Kihyun has always been a perfectionist, and he absolutely hates struggling, no matter what it is that he's struggling with. Though Kihyun has improved a lot since they debuted, dancing is still a weakness for him and Hyunwoo can tell that it drives Kihyun absolutely crazy to be considered weak at anything. Hyunwoo knows that Kihyun won't rest until he's got the choreo down perfectly, and though Kihyun's dedication and work ethic make Hyunwoo so proud, he does worry sometimes that Kihyun might push himself too hard, criticize himself too much.

As Kihyun continues to practice, Hoseok grabs his own water and gulps it down, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat as he swallows. He eyes Kihyun as he drinks and even from across the room Hyunwoo can see something shift in his eyes, can see them morph from intense concentration to warm, earnest affection.

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