sight three

389 28 7

Jooheon sees it on their night out.  


Jooheon is not exactly drunk, but he'd be lying if he said that he wasn't starting to notice the effects of all of the alcohol in his system. He feels loose and warm all over, light, floaty, the aches in his muscles and the migraine that had been relentlessly pounding at his head all gone, vanished, drifted away like a balloon...or a dandelion spore or...something poetic like that. He's having a hard time concentrating on anything except for how good he's feeling.

He's well-fed, well-rested, comfortable, and yeah, just the right amount of tipsy to forget all about how the past few days have been a living hell for his physical well-being, with schedule after schedule after schedule and nonstop promotions as they've driven around all over the country in their tiny little van. But that's all in the past now, a thin haze hidden way back in the edges of his mind. Instead, everything feels so soft and blurred around the edges, like the whole world is shrouded in fluffy white clouds. He can't even remember why he had been feeling so anxious before.

Thankfully, it's their last day before their break starts, and though Jooheon has always greatly enjoyed his job despite the physical hardships, he's surely ready for some time off. Even more thankfully, their manager had taken pity on them and their exhausted, dead eyes and had broken the company rules, allowed them the evening free, granted they were back by curfew and stayed in the vicinity of the hotel.

And so, the seven of them had wandered around for a while until they stumbled upon a tiny, cramped, cheap-looking little place full of locals, the smell of greasy comfort food wafting out of the dilapidated doorway. As they had gone inside, they had been greeted with upbeat music, dim but cozy lighting, and the loud chatter of large groups of friends getting together, just as they were, to relax and unwind after a long week.

They're seated now in a large booth way, way, way in the back of the restaurant, all crowded together and piled on top of each other like a litter of puppies. What had once been mountains of food in the center of the table is now mostly empty plates, and the evidence of their unsupervised drinking (another forbidden activity) can be seen clearly in the empty bottles randomly strewn around, some of them tipped over and dribbling onto the floor.

Although the restaurant had been totally packed when they had first arrived, the crowd had gradually thinned out, and now it's just down to the seven of them and a few other, wayward customers. The staff are cleaning up and have already turned off the music, so Jooheon figures that it must almost be closing time. Had they really been there so long already? He's lost track of things, lost some of his grasp on reality if he's being honest. Maybe he's pretty drunk after all.

Well, at least he's not the only one. All seven of them are currently at varying levels of drunkenness, almost like some twisted sort of spectrum. It's really funny actually. Everything's really funny right now.

Changkyun is completely out, stretched across the booth with his head in Jooheon's lap, dozing quietly, his chest rising and falling in a slow rhythm. He's the only one of them not drunk at all, he hadn't even touched any of the alcohol all night. In truth, he's just sleepy and tuckered out after having to keep up with his wild hyungs all day. Jooheon runs his fingers through Changkyun's hair absentmindedly, not sure why he's doing it, but he's guessing that it's because he just not sure what to do with his hands right now. He's squished up against the wall and afraid to move, lest he wake up their youngest.

On the other side of Changkyun and towards the edge of their side of the booth is Hyungwon. He's only a little buzzed, his cheeks slightly flushed and his eyes a little glazed over. He's resting his head on one arm, splayed out on the table and observing everyone else, a lazy smile on his face and his long eyelashes fluttering as he chuckles at their antics.

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