sight four

383 29 7

Hyungwon sees it on the day they move into the new dorm.  


"Bad news, you guys," Changkyun says as he emerges from the stairwell. They're one floor down from the street level in the parking garage of their new dorm building, the van parked just a few yards away. It's a basic and decent enough place, only about half-filled with other cars, the pale fluorescent lights glowing all around them and the smooth floors squeaking underneath their sneakers as they haul all of their various bags and crates and boxes closer to the elevator to bring everything up to what's about to become their new home away from home.

Changkyun is out of breath, his legs wobbling slightly and his cheeks tinted a light pink as the door to the stairwell slams shut behind him. Hyungwon can already guess what he's about to tell them all, but decides to hold on to that last bit of hope and denial for as long as he can. Until now, moving day had been going pretty smoothly, but Hyungwon should've known that it was too good to be true, that things could never go that smoothly for them, the group seemingly cursed with endless bad luck.

Changkyun walks the few feet to join the rest of the members who have paused by the elevator, all of them with their hands full of personal belongings and necessities for the new dorm. Minhyuk seems to be struggling the most with his burden, though the small cardboard box that he's carrying (labeled "Jooheon's hats" in black permanent marker) is undoubtedly the lightest.

"What's wrong?" Hyunwoo asks. He's effortlessly carrying two of the heaviest boxes (each containing kitchen appliances) stacked on top of each other as if they're a couple of fluffy pillows.

"The elevator's broken," Changkyun says with a grimace, confirming Hyungwon's fears, "it's stuck on the fifteenth floor. I stopped by the lobby and they said they won't be able to fix it until tomorrow."

"I can't do the stairs!" Minhyuk whines while everyone else just groans in defeat.

"Well, we don't really have much of a choice," Hyunwoo says, "unless you want to sleep in the van tonight." He walks over to the stairwell and sets down his two boxes, then uses them to prop open the door while Minhyuk keeps whining with increased volume and decreased coherence.

Hyungwon is carrying a large duffle bag in each hand and the handles are starting to dig painfully into his fingers. He really just wants to be done with this already so he can pass the fuck out and sleep for as long as possible, maybe for a whole day, or two, whatever works.

"Let's just get this over with," Hyungwon mumbles, nodding his head at Hyunwoo to lead the way. "The sooner we finish this, the sooner we can all get some rest."

There are murmurs of agreement and then they're all moving sluggishly in a single-file line past the door and into the stairwell, Hyungwon the last one in line right behind Kihyun, who's got a fully-stuffed backpack slung over his shoulders and a large plastic container that's probably bigger than he is precariously balanced in his hands. It makes him look even smaller than usual, like he's some kind of adorable little pack-mule (pack-hamster?) carrying several times his own weight. He can't even see where he's going, his line of vision blocked by the container, and so is depending on Hoseok in front of him to guide his steps.

They've got quite a ways to go and their trek up the first few flights of stairs is filled with groans and complaints and plenty of additional whining from Minhyuk. But eventually, by the time they reach the third or fourth floor, they all fall silent, saving their breath and expending all of their energy to just continue moving. It's a good thing that they're all in decent shape thanks to their intense dance regimen or this would be near impossible to accomplish.

Around the seventh floor or so, Hoseok starts to slow down. Hyungwon sees him fidgeting with the boxes that he's carrying, nervously looking over the edge of the stair railings down to the floors below them.

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