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I opened my eyes slowly, noticing that I'm still not in my room

I groaned as I sat up, feeling my back ache a bit when someone knocked on a door I've never noticed before

"Uhm~" was all I could say

"Um, hi. Sorry to interrupt you sleeping but as you can see, my bro—" he said coming to a stop while staring at me

"Dipper?!" He surprisingly said

"Will? Wha?" I started to ask

"Well, it seems like we have the same person we like..Oh gods, he'll kill me.." Will whispered to himself, but I could still hear him

"Who we like?" I asked him instead

"What?! W-what do you mean?" He stuttered a bit

"Nothing... why am I here?"

"Um, as you can see, my brother kidnapped you. And he said, as his hostage, you will obey all ou— erhm, his rules"

I nodded and told him to continue

"So there are three rules
One: Don't try to escape. Trust me, theres no way getting out of here without me or my brother's permission"

"Two:You will not snoop around the mansion, understand?"

"Three: follow rules one and two. That's all. Get dressed and come outside if youre ready"

And with that, Will left me

'What am I gonna do now?' I thought and sighed

I got up and took a bath. Surprisingly, a pair of clean clothes were in my bed that wasnt there before

It was a yellow sweater, shorts and some black stockings with my muddy shoes all cleaned up

I got dressed and went outside, there was a floating box-creature waiting for...me?

"Dipper Pines?" I nodded "Please follow me"

The floppy disk floated away and I followed him and suddenly, we were teleported in a dining room

"Whoa!" I almost tripped but Will caught me

"Hey there" he said while grabbing my arm

I grabbed on his clothes so I wouldnt slip from his  grip

We were face to face and Will was staring into me, blushing slightly

I swear I'm redder than a tomato right now

Will grabbed my waist and steadied me

There was a cough and I turned around and saw the guy with the tats

I turned away, still blushing madly when the guy spoke in a deep, dominant voice

"Pinetree, what do you want for dinner?"

I looked at his hooded figure, puzzled


"Oh, you slept through the whole day"

"Oh" was all I could say

"Tad, please bring us some...normal human food"

"Right away, brother"

So floppy disk was called Tad...huh, strange (😏) I know someone called Tad

Will was..well, Will. Unless he has a form of some kind. Like Tad

So, Will and Tad. What's the hooded guy's name?

"H-hey" I told the weird guy

He turned my way, "Yes?"

"Whats your name?"

He turned his head upwards, letting me see his mouth in the candlelight

He grinned, showing his slightly sharp molars

"My name's Bill. But, call me... Daddy"

My eyes widened and looked away, covering my face in embarrassment

Bill laughed, just as Tad came in with the food

"So, brother...laughing again? This is a good sign"

Bill chuckled and told Tad "Oh come on Tad! Change on your human form, you're creeping my Pinetree out"

'My PineTree?' "Okay then." Tad said and morphed on his human form, which was...Tad?

Tad as in, Tad Strange? Never knew he's a...I don't know...some, mythical creature?

"Tad is getting uncomfortable with his demon form. Good for Tad back in human form." He said

I looked at Will, who was silent the whole time, staring at me

Our gaze was cutted short when he looked away and I did the same

I blushed again, slightly this time

But I did saw Bill growling at the corner of my eye

Uh oh

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