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"I feel like I'm the only one that chose basketball... why couldn't the stupid supply teacher chose one sport instead of 'oh here's the top 4 sports that everyone loves to play, put your names under the sport you like the most and that's what you will play today'" Clairese told in a high pitched voice.

"Ok, I think it's a good idea, and besides, you are not the 'only one''. There is.." Angel took a second to look around the gymnasium. "Oh! There's Ashton."

"He's in the soccer team. And don't even mention another guy, they all love soccer"

"How about... Jasmin?"

"She's on the baseball team with you!"

"Ok but she also talks about basketball and volleyball"

"She clearly chose baseball" Clairese said as she points to Jasmin grabbing all the baseball gear, "go help her, I already know you chose baseball."

"But -"

"Nope! Go, I'll be fine" and in a flash Angel was out of sight. Clairese sighed as she turned around to go to the supply room to grab a basketball. Once she got there she noticed that the whole rack was gone, but in the distance she heard the bouncing of a basketball. Smiling, she realized she's not the only one that likes basketball in this soccer loving school.

Quickly opening the door of the supply room and then opening the door to the gym, she did not expect Izzy driving up to the net and doing a layup. Also noticing that he's the only one there "So.. I guess it's just us"

Noticing that voice from mile away, he just continued to shoot making it seem as if he wasn't phased by her presence, and mumbled "yep" And as suspected Clairese was clueless.

She rolled her eyes, and with Izzy not paying attention to her, she stole the ball from behind him. "Haha very funny Claire, now pass the ball" he said with a serious face.

"Hmm, how about you take it back from me, or at least try to" she answered, knowing that she's starting to piss him off. Izzy took up the challenge as he was slightly amused at the fact that a small girl is willing to verse him in basketball. 

"Okay, but don't get all emotional when I take it from you in less than 10 seconds" he said as he quickly moved his arm toward the ball, but Claire saw that coming and crossed over, drove to the net to do a layup and got it in"

"Claire 2, Izzy 0"

"Ok, I see you got slightly better"

Claire scoffed at that remark "Ok how about less with the talking more of the playing" as she took a shot from the free throw spot, but Izzy was quick and simply jumped in the air and caught it. He then jogged passed the 3 point line to clear it, then shot a 3 pointer.

"Whatever you say princess, oh and Izzy 3, Claire 2" he said while gesturing with his fingers.

Soon they were both playing and they were both competitive, so as one person was up a point, the other would score another 2 so they would be up by one. Then Claire "fouled" Izzy which made them tied at 12. This went on for a while, agreeing that they would go up to 25 in the middle of their game.

After a while, Claire jumped for a layup but as she was coming back down, she put her left arm back to brace herself and landed on her back. Grunting, she tried to slowly get up, but she couldn't cuz of a slight pain coming from her left ankle and elbow.

"Hey, hey take it easy" Izzy said as he  placed the basketball a couple feet away and rushed to her aid.

"I'm ok Iz" Claire said as she tried to get up but failed as she landed in Izzy's arms. He chuckled while she blushed from embarrassment. Carefully guiding her to the bleachers, he helped her sit.

"Hold on, I'll get you a bandaid for that," as he pointed at her elbow, and jogged out the gym door. Looking down at her elbow, she noticed a little blood trickling down her arm. Izzy showed up in less than a minute with a wet paper towel and a bandaid. "Always so clumsy" he chuckled as he softy cleaned the cut and blood.

"You don't have to do that, I can do it Izzy, I'm a big girl" Claire laughed, ignoring his comment.

"No it's ok, it's the least I could do." Quietly saying the last part.

Claire couldn't help but stare at his sad expression, how the sweat trickled down the side of his face, and how he bit his lip in concentration. Realize she stared for too long, she quickly looked away and flinched when she felt the bandaid being placed on her arm.

"There, good as new" Izzy said. Claire looked at him again, as he was already looking at her in the eyes. She could hear both their breaths and her own heart, as it was pumping a little fast. Izzy glanced down at her lips but quickly stood up and said "Sooo. Tied game since you didn't make the shot"

Claire laughed "yea 22-22" ignoring how her heart was pumping faster, because of how close they were seconds ago.

"Its hot" Izzy said as he reached the hem of his shirt to take it off. Looking down at her ankle Claire blushed at the glimpse of his abs, but just started to take notice of the soreness of her ankle. "Does it hurt a lot, I can walk you to the office, wait you probably can't walk, umm I can carry you" Izzy rambled as he rushed to her side but Claire quickly said "I'm fine Izzy, it's just a little sore, and look" she moved her ankle slowly back and forth to show that it wasn't broken. Izzy sighed and leaned back to the bench behind him. He placed his shirt around the back of his neck, wiping the sweat off his forehead with it and ran his hand through his hair. Claire was starring at him as he was doing this and slowly moved her gaze to his 6 pack.

"Take a picture, it will last longer" Izzy said making her blush and look away. Leaning back as well, she sighed and said "About what you said earlier, about the least you could do, I don't get it. It's not like you did anything."

"Well I did do something" he said while looking down at his legs.

"That happened 3 years ago Iz."

"Doesn't change the fact that I cheated on you."

"I forgave you. We moved on..."

"It's still wrong and Ive regretted it since. And it's been eating me up to this day, I couldn't even -"

"Couldn't even what, and it was in grade 8, it was just puppy love..."

"I couldn't even get into another relationship..."

"How about Sandra?"

"I meant a serious relationship. Claire, even if it was puppy love, it was a 2 year relationship that I ruined. And, I was in love with you, who cares about 'oh kids don't understand love' cause we did. We understood it completely, we were gonna be high school sweet hearts until I messed it up."

Shocked, Claire starred at Izzy, as he was starting to get frustrated. Reaching out to touch his hand, he suddenly got up and rubbed his face in frustration. "Iz-"

"I kissed her in front of you, in front of everyone and then looked at you and smiled. Who does that! Just because of a stupid jealousy thing."

"Iz, its ok" she said slowly getting up to grab his hand, ignoring the soreness of her ankle.

"No it's not" he backed up "I knew it was wrong from the start, and I knew I fucked up so bad when you started crying and ran away, I couldn't even run after you cuz she started clinging to me. Clairese, seeing you run away crying killed me inside. I'm so fucking sorry!"

"Izandro! Let me talk for just one second!" Silence came afterwards, Claire and Izzy knew that whenever they said each others full name, it's serious. "I forgave you, yea it hurt, but I forgive you. It was stupid but look at us now, we are friends, at least we weren't like those other couples that hated on each other right after the break up."

"You don't understand Claire, I was in love with you, I couldn't hurt another girl after that, I didn't want to hurt you and I did. I still don't want to hurt you. Heck I've avoided you for the past year after we had that talk cause I was afraid that I would fall in love again. But too late for that."

"Wait what."


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2017 ⏰

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