Episode 2: Galactic Ready Part II

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6 Months Later

The sky was still red after that frightful and chaotic day that changed Earth forever. The sky and us humans haven't been the same since aliens reigned down on our average planet and our not-so brave and powerful president, Eliza Waller, surrendered the Earth to Rumlar Dred who's appearance sent chills down any person's spine who looked at him for a good few minutes. He built his command center on top of the White House just show how powerful and ruthless he is. Not long after, he began to gather water and food and other supplies. He placed them in facilities and warehouses and the only way to get any supplies is if you give him something in return. Your allegiance, items or even a life. He also began to suck all of the lakes and oceans dry causing the sky to turn red. Don't know how that happened, but it was scary. Rumlar Dred's new order placed every person into a state of fear and despair for months until.....

"Yo tough girl!" The room was quiet until a boy in a black and blue uniform stood in the doorway. His lank hair touched the corner of the door with his arms crossed looking at the girl who wore the same uniform as him but it was black and yellow instead. Her long brownish hair covered what she was doing at her desk. "Whatcha doing?"

"None of your business, go away." She placed some of her hair behind her left ear and continued to write. It was a journal she was writing in, but HJ called it her "diary." It helped her remember the time before Rumlar Dred invaded Earth. It was now that she started writing the events of what happened during and after the invasion. 

The boy frowned, "Aw, is that anyway to treat your teammate?" The gold S that went across his uniform shined when he moved to the other side of the doorway to let some light into the not-so bright small room.

The girl sighed and rolled her eyes. She turned around with an annoyed expression on her face. "Go away HJ before I smash you into the ground."

HJ raised his hands, "Woah, Woah Tia. I just came to get you, we found one of the water facilities in Florida."

Her eyes widened, "No way, we've been trying to find one for weeks." Water Facilities were used to store water drained from oceans and lakes. It was also used to sort water bottles and jugs Rumlar and his army took from stores and warehouses. They were secretive and the only people that know where they are are the people who work for him.

HJ pointed behind him, "Yeah, China intercepted a call between a grunt and a general talking about a water transfer to one of the facilities in Florida. They need us in the command center for a debrief." Tia annoying expression turned into an excited smile. The past few months has been hell for her and HJ. Shortly after the invasion, HJ and Tia were separated from the college and their hometown. Something changed their position and moved them from the campus to a forest. Soon after that, they were training to fight against Rumlar and his army.

Tia placed her journal in the desk drawer and walked out of her room. She closed the door shut and locked it by turning the wheel counterclockwise. Her room, along with the entire building, was an old fashioned marine base. It was abandoned until Alastair, China, HJ, and Tia rebuilt it and got it up and running again. It took months, but it was worth it. The name of the base still was printed on the walls of the hallways. "Galactic Ready Administration," or "G.R.A," for short.

HJ placed his hands behind his back and began to walk down the hall. Tia tried to catch up with him. People who strolled the hallways gave her a little nod. Their uniforms were similar to the ones from the "Star Trek," movies except they were black and gray and the "A" symbol was replaced with a small striking gold "S." These people rebelled against Rumlar Dred and stood beside the G.R.A. Luckily, some were engineers, IT experts, farmers, and souls willing to fight.

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