Sniffing Around

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"Mom! We're going to go sniffing around a bit! We'll be back soon!" I called to my mom slinging my back pack over my shoulder. I took my black baseball cap and put it on backwards before opening up the front door. Damien was behind me with his side bag and his purple baseball cap on like mine. 

"Alright dearie! Be safe." She called out from the living room. We stepped outside closing the door behind us. Today I wore boxers, a saggy pair of blue jeans, a black belt, a long sleeved black shirt, a blue zipped up vest and converses. Damien held our skate boards under his arms. He wore a black long sleeve shirt under a white T shirt, tan shorts and running shoes. 

"So what's up sis?" He asked as we walked down our street. He didn't even bother to ask what I was doing before tagging along, typical. 

"I smelt dog. Which is strange because it was different, stronger than I have smelt before." I said putting my nose ever so slightly up into the air. Damien did the same only more noisily.

"I don't smell much." He replied bored. 

"That's because you have yet to awaken." I rolled my eyes and held my hand out. My board was pressed into my hand instantly. I dropped it to the ground and waited to hear his hit too. Once I did I began to skate off. 

"Do you have to rub it in?" He grumbled lowly as we skated. 

"Don't get sour, you're just a pup for now. Trust me, you will have your first rush in no time." I assured him. 

"Will you be my guardian?" He asked. I stopped myself at the corner of a street, eyes widen. A guardian. That was a job for a alpha. To be a guardian was an honor. It was flattering. I looked down to him and smiled. 

"Yes little Omega." I smoothed making him grin boyishly. We just smiled at each other, until a loud bus passed us by. I pressed the walking signal and waited. The second it turned on we both rushed across the street and back onto the side walk. I sniffed the air again feeling that dog sent tingle in my nose. It was so worn down, yet it lingered. I was itching to see the source of this smell. I wanted to brawl with him. A play fight would be a more simple way to word what I wanted. 

My nose lead me deep into Tokyo then into its suburbs. Strangely I ended up at the foot of a rather impressive amount of steps that lead to a shrine. The smell was coming from somewhere on the property. 

"Maybe it's protectors?" Damien suggested sniffing the air. 

"No no no. This is different than them. Smells no where close to mom. Doesn't smell like a rotten fang either." I said narrowing my eyes at the temple ahead. 

"Maybe it is a special Japanese branch? Like ninja dogs!" Damien exclaimed. 

"They would be more like samurai if that is the case." I said kicking up my skate board. 

"Awe.... Ninjas are cooler." He pouted. 

"Agreed." I nodded taking my first steps up the stairs. The place smelled old and pure. Like a church, as it should. We traveled up the stairs and found an old human man sweeping the steps of the shrine. His eyes moved up to us and he smiled. 

"Hello there! Are you here to visit the temple?" He asked eyes glossing over in excitement. 

"Yeah, me and my brother are not from here. We're looking for more insight on your culture. We figured what place better than a shrine?" I lied smoothly. 

"Well you came to the right place! Come on it and I will give you the grand tour." He beamed with pride. I could already tell that this was going to be a long and boring tale. However, I wasn't going to be rude to this old man. Maybe I will buy mom something from inside. She loves little trinkets after all.

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