With Held Information

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"Huuuhh! Finally." I sighed settling down around my pack whom was gathered at the campfire we finally set after three days of straight of marching.

"Preach it sister." Jasmine groaned leaning on Jeremy.

"Oh... The Alpha Male is come. Look out!" Hailey said giving me a wink. Eric had to go and flap his damn jaw. Which lead to Damien opening his mouth. Now they are all teasing me any chance they got. I sighed and looked over my shoulder to see the Alpha Male was indeed coming. He stopped beside where I sat. With a pause he sat down beside me looking into the fire.

"Sesshomaru...." I asked. His gazed shift from the fire to me.

"Kia." He acknowledged.

"Did you have something to inform me of?" I asked and only received silence. His eyes stayed on me, which was starting to become....not unusual. For the past three days he has been glancing at me more than usual. Which was making it hard for me not to do the same. Rin watched us with calculated eyes. Like she was thinking about something really hard. Sesshomaru seemed to noticed her look for he turned from looking at me to side glancing her. Suddenly her face light up with a smile and sudden realization.

"Lord Sesshomaru! You have imprinted on Kia!" Rin exclaimed happily.

"How taught her that dirty word?" I exclaimed looking straight at Damien.

"What is this imprinting you suggest I am towards Kia?" Sesshomaru asked Rin.

"Imprinting is when a weredog just.... Instinctually knows when someone is a very good candidate for a mate! It's almost never misleading. It is no promise....but if the two are weredog, it's even rarer for it to fail! Kia! Have you imprinted on Sesshomaru all this time?" Rin exclaimed. Suddenly all eyes were on me, and Sesshomaru.

"I was not told of such a thing." He said looking at me with a slight glare.

"It was not important....not right then." I excused.

"Hey! Just fess up already! You imprinted practically the second you saw him!" Eric bellowed. Much to my dismay my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. 'No.....I can't. He, even as a weredog, would surely reject or hurt me.' I panicked in my head. I stood up quickly and ran away from the camp fires of the army. I couldn't even deal with this right now. Not this suddenly!

I ran! I wanted to go home! This....this was all insane! I stopped deep in the forest. I only had a few moments to sit down and look up at the waning moon before running steps came towards me. I knew who it was, because their steps slowed. The smell, intoxicating. Soon I could see his hair fluttering in the wind around us.

Then.....I felt him get on his knees behind me. His knees pushing between mine. Hand gripping my hips, dragging me into his lap. His head, resting on top of mine. My heart and instincts racing in glee.

"The fancy of a dog." He said.

"Yes....that's what we like to call it." I sighed.

"Demons, lack these instincts."

"Demons are not beasts. It's why the spiritual powers do not effect us. We are beast, a evolved or mutated." I smirked.

"I had concluded such." He said arms wrapping around my waist.

"I am sorry, for withholding that from you. I, have issues....I have imprinted once before. A human, he was.....he didn't understand or care. He played me. I got burnt." I explained through the lump in my throat.

"An Alpha Female, burnt? Fear to be rejected once again." He questioned.

"Expecting to be rejected once again." I corrected steeling myself.

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