why are women objectified

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HELLLLO IM BAAACCKK!!!!!!!! did anyone miss me? i bet no one even cares but anyways im here to talk and well basically just give my opinion and disturbance in the way that women are objectified in the media. My question is why, what causes people to treat women in such a way that they are nothing more than sex items or toys in a mans fantasy. Some of you are wondering what is this girl talking about because women have lots of rights and are able to do lots of things, but thats not what im talking about. Women may have fought for there rights and are more respected today but there's still lots of things going on that we dont know about or we dismiss everyday thinking its normal or we either blame ourselves. Did you know that in a workplace a woman would have to work three times as hard as a man in order to get a raise or maybe a promotion, or did you know that in an interview a man is more likely to recieve the job a woman would most likely get the job on her looks or wealth. thats a plain example that isnt really recognized most women might think they arent really good enough for the job. I know there are many problems some might say with gender inequality in other countries but im talking about the one right here in america which is the supposed land of equality and freedom. what sickens me the most is the way wome are portrayed in media. Everyone knows GQ so if you go on google and search up GQ MAGAZINE COVERS you will see mostly men and when you start to scroll down you see women at the bottom, and do you see a difference with the male covers and female covers the men look strong, brave, handsome intelligent, and many other things while the women look sexuall, flimsy, dirty, and provacotive that proves that women have to try harder to get attention but still remain at the bottom while men apppear in front. also try this with another magazine cover like sports illustrated do you see what i see, but thats not all what about those carls junior commercials with those women in little bikinis like nina no one eats a burger like that and it makes you judge the girl but thats what shes told to do or those little fiat car commercials or the beer commercials its always a women who is being objectified. As a model i feel a lot of pressure of this objectification at first i thought every model has to do this but i was so wrong its just because im a woman. Earlier i when i was modeling for a race car ad, and during my lunch break i grabbed a burger with one of the male models we came back and the agents were furious at my choice of food and i felt bad like i mean yea i should know better how coulkd i be so dumb and unprofessional right, but what made me irritated was malcolm the fellow MALE model wasnt told to put away is food i had to throw away mine because if my curves were gone i wouldnt be useful for anything how disrespectful i blamed my self but i wasnt wrong these people are just ruthless. So before i started writing i asked why women were so objectified and i say the problem starts with us and the way we treat ourselves if women agree to do these dumb commercials and photoshoots how do we expect to be precieved before i recieved this knowledge on the objectification of women the above incident wouldnt have phased me but now i do and i know people are constantly putting women badly all im saying is that if we dont do something nothing might change this is my step to gain equality for women what will be yours. Women are just as good as men we should be treated like we are good enough.

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