Chapter 5

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Out of nowhere people just started appearing, as if they were mere shadows taking shape. While I was distracted, someone dropped me from behind and jumped on top of me. My body rattled as it crashed into the ground. Pain was an understatement of how I felt. I tried squirming and kicking but the boulder of a person on top of me was busy tying my hands up.

"Not so tough now, are we?" Luna smirked to herself and kicked me in the gut. I doubled over in pain and grunted as my body went numb.

"Hmm pathetic, ok guys load them up, separate them!" Luna screamed orders back and forth.

Suddenly I was lifted off the ground and was put a bit too roughly, into a black van with tinted windows. Two giant men pile in on either side of me. Luckily for me, John and Amanda were seated directly in front of me.

"Hey umm Isabelle I just wanted to apologize," I looked up into Amanda's brown orbs.

"For what?" I asked rather confused.

"Remember the first time you were in the fair? I was the one you chased and I was also the one that drugged you" she looked down in embarrassment.

I quickly accepted her apology and forgave her. She smiled from ear to ear and continued to talk to me. We kept talking and talking until one of the guards told us to shut up. I turned around and ignored him.

"Don't you ever do that again, now shut up you little bitch" his words were dark and cold like him.

I only turned back around and continued annoying him. He turned me around and slapped me so hard that my head jerked to the side. I spit in his face and quickly pulled away from him and told Amanda and John to help. I threw myself to the door of the van and held on for dear life. Suddenly I felt someone pull me away, it was the guard. I wasted no time and banged my head into his. He retracted away and tried to regain a steady head. This gave me a split chance to try and escape. I tug on the sliding door but I fail. I mean how am I supposed to open it when my hands are tied and I'm not facing the door. John and Amanda were struggling to hold back the guards while I fumbled with the handle. Suddenly the van came to halt and I was flung to the side. In all the commotion I managed to pull out my pocket knife and I hid it in my sleeve. The door slid open just as I was propping myself back up, it was Luna standing there with one of the scariest faces I've ever seen.

"Sleep her, NOW!!!" she was definitely pissed.

The guards rushed to please the demanding girl and pulled out a syringe. I waited for a while until they were about to inject me to lunge forward and try to run out the door. Sadly I hit the ground and was met with Luna's knee. She pulled me back up and yanked me inside. She grabbed the syringe and jabbed it in my arm. I slowly drifted off. Luna also drugged John and Amanda. The last thing I remember was the door being slammed and the car lurch forward.

I woke up to Lola's voice, and Austin's voice too. I blinked the sleepiness away from my eyes and to my surprise, there was my team right in front of me. We were all tightly packed in the van. I wonder why they're here?

"Well hello there sleepyhead," said Austin.

"What are y'all guys doing in here, last time I remember only John, Amanda, and I were in here," I asked while trying to get comfortable.

"Well we all sorda destroyed out vans,"

This was Ronan.

"Yeah, Austin and I blew up ours,"

Said Lola.

"And Alexandria and I tore ours open with a little help from her vines and my wind," Ronan said as he nudged Alexandria.

I just noticed that all of them no longer had their hands tied behind their back.

"Here princess, we found it," Lola threw me my pocket knife.

I wasted no time in tearing off the rope. I massaged my arms and stretched out my legs.

"So what're we gonna do?" I asked.

"We're gonna fight," they all replied back.

I smirked and pulled out my pocket knife.


The car had just stopped and we all pretended to be tied up. Luna slid open the door and stared at us. Lola waited silently as Luna turned her back Lola charged at her. She threw herself at Luna's back and they both hit the ground. Ronan was next as he stood up and attacked the guard that was running towards Lola. I went last as I watched all the action outside. I got up and jumped out the door. I landed on the ground with a thud. I suddenly realized I had no armor and no weapon. Then I remembered that Luna had taken my armor with her. I turned away from the van and ran towards Luna's car. I opened the door and looked for my sword at least. I saw everything that was going on outside. Our team stood no chance. Luna had hundreds and we had six. John and Amanda each had two guards down and err fighting off another. Lola was beating the day lights out of some girl. While Ronan was fighting a girl half his size. Most of my team was around thirteen or fourteen years of age, I was the baby at twelve years. But I was actually going to turn thirteen in less than a week. In all that time that I wasted, one of Luna's friends opened the door and pulled me out from the backseat and tied me to the front seat. I screamed and kicked and bit her. She kept struggling and later punched me. My head fell worthlessly onto my shoulders. She also wrapped a handkerchief around my mouth and then locked the car. I just stared out the window as she smirked and ran further into the fight. I doubt our team will win. They're probably already drugged. Then I see fire. I turn my head around so fast that my head starts to pound. I see another fireball and then I see Lola. They're all using their powers while me here being a weakling. I'm supposed to be the vino, this isn't right. I try and loosen the ropes on my hands and legs but that demon sure does know how to tie knots. A strong gust of wind rocks the car and I know this came from Ronan. I suddenly start to feel really hot and lightheaded. how long has it been since I breathed in a breath of fresh air. I'm going to suffocate in here. I frantically dig my nails into the rope and try to pull. I kick my legs up and I thrash around. something loosens and I instantly feel better but then it all goes downhill. A fireball comes straight towards the back end of the car and it catches the car on fire. Panic rises inside of me and I know I have to free myself. I focus on my hands and try to untie the intricate knots. Then black thick smoke fills the air. I start choking as my lungs struggle to make the best of it. My throat burns and my body is throbbing. I see vines in the distance and hear crashing waves. This gives me hope and I regain my strength. I take in another deep breath and break down coughing. Then my hand brushes over the handle of my sword. I grasp it and tug it out of whatever it was caught in. I try and cut the rope but instead it catches on fire. My sword must've been on fire. The flames eat away at the rope but still manage to bite my skin. When I feel the ropes loose enough I pull my hands free and blow on my inflamed wrists. I quickly take off the handkerchief and start pulling at the ropes on my feet. My head is starting to spin and I'm surprised I haven't blacked out yet. I fumble with the door when I suddenly hear voices and loud footsteps but what turns my insides is the roaring roll of thunder that follows. This triggers something inside of me and my lightning goes crazy. I open the door and fall almost lifelessly on the ground. My lungs take in all the air possible but my head is slowly shutting off, it's taken to much. Then I hear the thunder again and my hairs curl, suddenly lightning is shooting out of my wrists. The thunder and my lightning dance in perfect sync. All I see is the sky, charged with electricity and all I hear is the thunder, booming in my ears. Then everything goes black and I once again let it consume me. be continued

So there ya go, hope y'all like it...this was part one part two is in the process so thanks again for reading

Love y'all ;**

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2014 ⏰

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