What About Our Future????

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Yume's POV

It was the end of my first year at Aikatsu High School and I'm sitting on a bench with Subaru since we just had his graduation ceremony. I had a small question that was really bugging me but I wasn't sure if I should ask or not. Oh well I'll just ask.
"Ne.... Subaru," I got his attention "what's our future together?"
"What do you mean?" He asked
"Well, you're going to America for college and I just thought what will happen to us," I explained, I was so nervous I was squirming in my seat.
"We'll make it work, we made it work when you weren't in High School, so why can't it work now?" Subaru wondered
"Well you'll be thousands of miles away, before you were only one or two," I persisted.
"There's always Skype or face time," He was beginning to get annoyed, I could tell but I wasn't satisfied yet.
"But, what if something bad happens and I can't come out?" I protested
"Think positive!" Subaru was trying not to yell
"I....I just can't help but worry!" I yelled
"Well don't I'll be fine!" He yelled back. I raised my hand and slapped him.
"Jerk!" And with that I ran.

I couldn't stop the tears from flowing down my face, nor my red puffy eyes and dribbling nose. Subaru and I had never argued, ever, so this was a first I don't know how I feel.
I really want to punch something however at the same time I want to curl in a ball and sob to my hearts content.
I wasn't looking where I was going, only running straight ahead, pushing past any and all obstacles.
Suddenly I ran into someone and looking up I saw it was Laura, she was with Mahiru, Ako and Koharu, who came down to see Asihi graduate.
"Yume what's wrong?" Laura exclaimed after seeing my tear stained face.
We went to a quiet area and sat down, then I began to tell them what happened between Subaru and I.
"That's just men for ya!" Ako told me, after I had done explaining. She and Kanata have been having a few issues and can't agree on anything, there's even been rumours about them breaking up but neither of them have mentioned it so I don't believe them.
"Really! But Asihi always seems so nice and considerate," Koharu said.
"Yeah well you got a good one, lucky," Ako stropped
"Nozumu' a good one too!" Laura argued
"Mahiru you've been quiet," I pointed out. We all turned to see what she was doing and instantly regretted it.
"So are all my ships going to break up!" Mahiru crushed the apple she was eating to mush. A deadly black aura seeped out of her and she looked dangerous.
"Mahiru!" We squeaked

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