Day 1

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I was lying down on my back in between my two daughters, Celeste and Denise. We were lying on the soft, green grass near the river stream. All of us looking up at the bright blue sky filled with nothing but puffy clouds. Anytime my girls and I do this, I never want to leave. I just want to stay in this position with my daughters by my side, laughing and talking about our lives. Although sometimes I can't help but think about what life would be like when I have to take my leave. I mean, eventually I will have to. I shake my head, trying to change my negative vibes into positive ones.

"Daddy, I wanna go fishin'." Denise said as she sat up. I looked over at her and noticed how she had a quite a devilish smile.

"Oh, why is that?" I asked, quite intrigued as to what she was about to say next.

"So we can catch 'dem fish and slap goblins with them. Maybe even steal some gold." she said with an evil cackle.

"Or," Celeste chimed in, "we could just sit here. Plan something else that isn't going to put us into the Trap."

Denise rolled her eyes, "No, no, I want to be to alive. Why can't you just live a little?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at both of them.

"I am living. I'm breathing aren't I? Besides, I live in silence, not with the horns."

Denise stood up and began mocking her older sister, "I live in silence, not with the horns."

Celeste stuck out her blue tongue at Denise. Then both of them laughed at how silly they were being towards each other. Denise sat back down, this time her feet cooling down in the river stream. She also threw a couple of pebbles into the water. I put my hands behind my head, crossed one leg over the other as I went back to gazing up into the clouds. I started to go into deep thought when it was suddenly interrupted.

"You goblins need to go back home!!!"

I clenched my teeth as I quickly got up to see what kind of annoying thing said that. I balled up my fists when I saw it was an ogre. I absolutely despise ogres, I hate 'em. Hate 'em with a passion. They always think they're so big and bad, so tough when they know goddamn well that they're frightened of almost every little thing on this stupid planet.

"Yeah?" I yell back, "And what if we don't head back home? What are ya gonna do about it?"

I noticed Celeste and Denise both getting up at the same time and standing behind me, ready to fight if necessary. I ignore them however and keep my attention on the ogre.

"I'm being serious! You goblins need to head back home before the horns go off!"

I then relaxed after he said that. I never liked the sound of the horns during this time of day. All it meant was for the ugly looking fairies to take the last bit of our money, our money that we've worked hard for. It also meant that no one was allowed to be out while they were out going from roof to roof. If they saw us outside, then they would torture us.

The ogre walked up to us. I gently pushed back my daughters making sure to keep them safe from whatever was about to happen. The ogre stopped a few inches in front of me and put both his hands up, "Don't worry. I'm not like the others."

I took a deep breath, "Right...thanks for the 'warning' I guess. But we're not new, we know the drill. We usually wait until we hear the horns."

Both my girls nodded their heads.

"Oh, well, I'm not new either. But I don't think it's a good idea for guys to be waiting until the horns go off. What if the....they see you and hurt you? What if the King hears how you guys decided to stay out knowing you're not suppose to?"

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