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His parents were sound asleep when he passed their room. He quickly got his shoes and went outside where he put them on. It wasn't easy sneaking out of the house when you are the son of a gang leader.

Jungkook started running away from his house and when he was on a good distance he stopped and took a look at his phone. 01:38 AM is what it said, which made Jungkook happy because now he had enough time to get to his destination.

His destination was a place where he was forbidden to come, but he needed to go. He had to, he couldn't resist.

Jungkook started walking towards his destination doubting on what he was going to do and how.

Meanwhile somewhere in the woods

Everyone was sitting around a campfire talking to each other and just relaxing.

When all of the sudden a figure came from the woods onto the open space and took a seat next to the gang leader everyone looked up. After a couple seconds they looked away like he wasn't entertaining enough.

"You are such a rebel. Little innocent Jungkook, the son of the rival gang leader, sneaking out on his own parents to come to the rival gang." Was the first thing that was said to Jungkook. He looked up to the gang leader whom was very well know as Park Jimin.

"I'm not little nor innocent." Said Jungkook stubborn. "Your daddy is going to be so mad at you. You'll be spanked so hard, I would feel sorry for you but, no not really." Is what Jimin said completely ignoring what Jungkook said.

Jungkook leaned in to Jimins ear a little bit and whispered "So are you going to be angry because I snuck out and came to you?" Jimin looked at Jungkook and rolled his eyes. "Because I want you to be my daddy." After he said that Jimins head shot to him and a devilish smirk crept in his face.

Jungkook placed himself on Jimins lap in one swift movement, not noticing a man looking at him with anger. "Do you like that?" Jungkook softly whispered in Jimins ear and after that softly biting his ear and rolling his hips. Jimin just placed his hands on the sides of the bench he was sitting on.

"You like me sitting on your lap just grinding on you." Jungkook whispered again. "You're such a slut Jungkook. I bet you'd let everyone in this circle fuck you." Jungkook shook his head "No, I wouldn't. Only a slut for you." Jungkook kept grinding down on Jungkook and then all of the sudden Jimin grabbed Jungkooks face and kissed him hard.

Jungkook moaned softly and asked hungrily "Would you like to fuck me Jimin?" Jimin groaned and softly bit down on Jungkooks neck.

He pushed his tongue in Jungkooks mouth deepening the kiss. He then moves his hands to Jungkooks ass cupping it and squeezing it. Then people from the circle around the campfire started laughing.

"Jimin is going to bang the rivals innocent little son." Is what Hoseok yelled while laughing. "Oh go get a room!" Yoongi yelled after Hoseok.

"I'm sorry Suga, i cant get a room, but I will go get a tree or moss or something." Jimin smirked devilish. He stood up pushing Jungkook off of him and then grabbing his wrist pulling him with him into the woods.

When they reached a place with a lot of moss on the ground Jimin pushed Jungkook against a tree and started kissing his neck.

"I am going to ruin you so much Kookie. You'll still be reminded of me for two weeks everytime you move." Jimin started undoing Jungkooks belt and then opening his pants, which was followed by janking them down. Jungkook threw off his shoes and Jimin got one of his legs out of the pants making it able for Jungkook to spread his legs.

Jimin took something from his pocket and demanded for Jungkook to turn around and bend over which he did. Jimin opened a small package of lube making Jungkook snicker. "You carry lube with you?" "I knew I would be doing someone, just not yet who. I was planning on Yoongi but then you came so change of plans."

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