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Icy, cold curls and swivels
A spiraling crime
Embedded in white
Frozen and broken

To make a system-
where one would analyze,
where one would live,
the answer would be nowhere.

A system of judgement.
Systems of howling sounds and drying dreams.
Only patience will keep moving,
making it so that we can enjoy
Ourselves later.

But despite all the terror,
All the sickness and arches of Curses
With wind, there comes weather.
With weather, there comes land.

To think of it in one's black eyes,
it's simple torture and mending punishment.
To think of it in another's white eyes,
it's a whole new way to see,
how stunning and frisky it is.

As how a little black creature,
could wake up peacefully and wiggle it's nose,
taking in a breath to fresh winter
and climbing it's way to life, to liveliness.

It's quite simple actually,
a bunny not wondering why there is snow,
Frost and Torrents of moving icicles.
Because it knows already.
Senses flaring up like a chick taking flight.

Blankets covering greens
Woods having white fluffy snow-
instead of the usual tall cowering in height.
A place full of wonder with peaks
Of reflecting water and high cold tops.

Just like how, in an instant, it could all go away.
To the normal sunny days
And the colorful flowers-
Taking in life in harmony.

Just like how, no one questions it
But understands it.

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