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On the night of October 31st, 1981, Lily Potter appeared in front of her home with a crack. Her husband, James Potter, was not far behind. Lily shook off the sense of apparition and turned to her husband. She knew James hated apparition, and, sure enough, James was looking rather green.

"Are you alright?" She asked gently.

James nodded. "Spiffing."

The Potters had just returned home from an Order meeting they had attended, much to the dismay of others. 

Barley 4 days ago, James and Lily had been informed of a prophecy. A prophecy about their son, Harry Potter. Dumbledore had informed them that someone, (he refused to reveal who) had told him that Lord Voldemort was after them. And so, they had gone into hiding. They were told not to leave the house. Others came with food and news. But when they heard there was a meeting that night, they knew they couldn't miss it. And so they had gone, which, as others pointed out, was a stupid idea. Many thought it was too dangerous, especially leaving Harry home with Lily's muggle mum. But James and Lily knew they were safe. With the fidelius charm up and a trustworthy secretkeeper, everything would be fine. Now, the meeting was over, and Lily and James were standing outside of their home in Godric's Hollow. 

James slipped his hand into Lily's and they start toward the front door, and then froze. The door had been blasted away. 

"Umm," James said. 

Lily stared at the door. It looked as though it had been blasted with a lot of force. The hall off the door was destroyed. And her mum and son were in that house! None of her or James' friends would blast down their door like that. It had to be a foe. "I'm going in," she announced.

"What? No!" James exclaimed. "Absolutely not. It could be dangerous!"

Lily glared at him. "My mum and Harry are in there. You know my mum is a muggle. She can't protect Harry against magic."

"What if it's You-Know-Who? We can't fight him, you know we can't." 

"I'm going in." Lily said stubbornly. She didn't care if she was putting herself in danger. Her mum and Harry were probably in just as much, if not more.

"No! Clearly something has happened. Look Lils, we need to think about this. I want to go in too. I want to help your mum and Harry. But what if something happens to you? We should contact the Order and maybe the auror office."

"James, shut up. Are you coming or not? And besides, I see no Dark Mark."

"But what if they are still there? What if they are murdering them right now?"

Lily glared at James. "James Potter. I know you are scared, and I am too. But we need to know what is going on. Now come on!" Lily could tell James had given in. It wasn't hard to convince him to do things like this. She drew her wand and began walking toward the house. As she neared, she heard voices, but she couldn't make out who they were or what they were saying. Nervously, she stepped over the threshold, James right behind her. Now she could hear the voices properly.

"Stand aside! Step aside, girl!" A high, cold voice was saying.

Lily's eyes widened, recognizing the voice.

"No! No! Don't kill Harry! Please! Have mercy!" Lily knew it was her mum.

Her hands flew to her mouth. "James," she whispered. "It's him!"

James looked horrified. Lily started toward the stairs. James grabbed her. "Don't go," he hissed.

"Why ever not?" Lily sounded panicked.

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