Fu sir

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Hi hi hi 😄 lol okay I'll go straight into the chapter 😘 (I started this chapter on the 5th of august before my dad died so I really don't remember all the ideas I had for this chapter now I'm sorry)
*louis's POV*
"Diddly dang it.... taking care of harry is hard enough" I quietly mumble to myself while picking up Harry's once again! unconscious body and putting him in the passenger seat. "Emmanie? Are you alright did sh-" "no we're alright back here Louis, what happened to harry" emmanie quickly cuts Louis off "okay? And I honestly don't know but we have to go home right now" Louis says Reassuring emmanie.
*time skip to Louis arriving home*
"Okay emmanie remember what I said emmanie" Louis repeated for the sixth time saying emmanie's name twice each time he said it "yes father I know please stop saying it before I jump out of the car" emmanie told Louis With an eye roll and fake annoyance "oh hush before I roll my eyes loudly" I said laughing "okay.. we're here" "Lewis can I get out now if I stay in this vehicle any longer with you butts I might just go insane" "it's louis" I pouted sadly

* Liam's POV*

I heard when louis pulled into the driveway so it didn't phase me when I heard the door being forced open. louis never has his keys to get into the house, but after a while I noticed two brand new faces walking into my house with louis. "hi Louis who are these people" I said to louis with the softest voice "ask harry" louis said slightly annoyed while carrying harry bridal style to their bedroom. "louis why is harry unconscious also why didn't you tell me that you were going to bring two newbie vampires into our house" liam said as soft as he could "because Liam I know you'd freak out so I don't tell you" Louis said still annoyed "harry passed out a while ago he.. you know what I'll tell you the full story later but now we need to get these freaks changed" "I am no freak you freak" zflake screamed booping louis on the nose. "Yeah sure" louis said sarcastically "louis that was rude apologize you hedgehog 🦔" Liam laughed
picking up a picture of hedgehog louis. "Fuck you sir"

This chapter is sad because it's so short;-;  I would finish it but I don't have the will power to finish it but I'll make it up to you queens next chapter ❤️❤️

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