Star watching

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"Okay we only have and hour in a half, left before Hunk forgets, how are we gonna find her" said Keith with his hands flat on the dinning room table
" Well I think that version of (y/n) in your head could help, she knows what actually happened, but she's almost too real it's weird, "
Pidge paused in thought
"Hunk, what was (y/n) good at, "
"Well," Hunk pulled himself up from slouching, "I can't remember much but she was smart, both street and book smart, I taught her a lot of what she knows, but she saw the world a different way, pieced the world together, in a different light,"
"She sounds wonderful man"
Lance tried to cool down the room, know his friend was hurt
"Here have this, you drew it once, it's her"
He handed Hunk the paper, with her head shot. Hunks eyes lit up "she's the one who taught me to draw, she was amazing at it"
He began to pointing to areas on he paper
"She told me to make dots and..... connect them to make...... the shape" Hunks words slowed you could see the gears turning in his head, Hunk than stood
" I-I- I gUeSs I dOnT kNoW" Pidge stuttered, "I don't think we are close enough I'm sorry man"
She adjust he glasses and leaned back
"Alright, I guess the Great Coran has to save the day"
Coran stood Proudly
Everyone one was confused, even allura
Coran explained.
"Going off what you said, i know the planet, they steal people from there planets and use them as servants, while I don't know the planet, I do know the galaxy"
"PERFECT" Pidge exclaimed
"I then try out my new tracker"
She runs to her room and back with a handheld device
"This is a person tracker, it tracks pictures across a galaxy for the someone with a certain feature or just a picture of them and matches it"
"And" Hunk stood " I can tweak it to look for a certain chip or loose line between the chips, while also looking for the person"
Immediately Hunk and Pidge set out on a mission to make the tracker complete and the rest guided the ship to the galaxy of Nebero

"Ah it may have been 10,000 years, but these people stayed in the same place"
Coran pointed to the 3 planets with circled dwarf star
Back in the simulation room they connected the tracker
"Alright Hunk, im sorry but you have to think of her again, this time with everything you got, leave every detail in" Pidge explained
And he did with all his might
But it didn't work
Nothing showed Hunk stood there, wondering what was wrong
Right then a Hunk screamed
A surge of electricity ran through him from the chip
"HUNK" everyone screamed
And ran over to him, but they were stopped by a glowing being
It was (y/n) the simulation again, this time glitchy and not whole, you could kind of see through her and she looked a bit like static
"The chip is going to reset soon, I will use all my power to help you get the information, but with this He must stay here and rest, he will be in a coma like state until the chip is removed, thank you for what you have done so far, so now get going, go find me"
She placed her hand on the back of his neck, finding the chip and unlocking it once again. Memories flooded the room, everywhere was her, she was right then the only person in the world.
A tear rolled down the simulations face in the final seconds of the download
And stomach curdling scream came from her, the chip was destroying her, piece by piece.
(Y/n) collapse next to Hunk, and then faded away.

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