Chapter 1

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I slept.
After a day of moving across the country, getting all of my stuff across the country, moving it into my apartment, unboxing it all, setting up my bed and desk, visiting my new job and getting the uniform, visiting my new school orientation, and showering, I slept. It's a big deal.

The next morning, I woke up early to learn how NOT to burn down the kitchen. I hired a chef for the day to teach me how to cook. He would arrive at 9:00, and it was 7:30. I dressed and brushed my hair.

My television was easy enough to set up. I sat on the sofa and turned it on. Nothing seemed interesting on Webflix.

Then, three sharp knocks sounded on my front door. It was only 8:00. Through the peering hole, I saw three fat people, but it was just the magnification. I opened the door and there they were right there, my schoolmates.

"You live here, right?" said the dark pink haired girl. She had yellow hazel eyes and a creamy skin tone. She wore large glasses, a hat, a collared blue and white dress, nerdy socks over her knees, and heels the same color as her hair.

" Yes, I do. You are welcome inside if you like."  The three of them filed in.

There was one other girl. She seemed a bit shy. She wore a pink and orange dress made of sweater material, knee- high yellow Bonverse, blue striped socks over her knees, and a backwards green hat. Her hair was shoulder length, curly, and purple, and her eyes were reddish brown. She smiled as she walked past me.

The last was a boy with neck length white straight hair, frosted blue at the tips. He wore a blue dress shirt and white jeans with blue snowflakes on them. His shoes were blue and he wore what seemed to be a hairdresser's waist apron m, filled with various products. "Sweet digs", he said with a Russian accent as he entered.

I gently closed the door after them. They stood in the middle of my living room, each looking a different direction. "Where's the others?" The blue dress one asked. I stammered ," T-there's... nobody else living here.. sorry.. Were you looking for someone?" She replied " Yes, we were. We were looking for you." "M-me?!" " Yes, you. I believe that your name was.. let's see.. Jackson! Let's get down to business. We, us three are the 'cool kids' at this school. We want you to be one of us." "Why?" I responded. " Jackson. I have a crush on you. You just met me, but you still might have the chance to feel the same way. I want you to get to know me. By the way, can I call you 'Jax'?" I was dumbfounded.  I decided to just go with it. " Sure. To all of it. She smiled casually. " Hey, Jax," she said," I'm Jamie. These two are Galileo ( you can call him Leo) and Annessa. Normally, as initiation, you have to get crazy awesome hair,(courtesy of Leo ), but he has approved of your current hair. Anyway, thanks so much for the agreement and I look forward to seeing you at school. Have a nice day!"

I waved goodbye from my door. It was 8:40. That was crazy.

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