Cryptogram's Backstory

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Fandom: Undertale

Characters: Cryptogram, some other monster students

Takes Place: A "secret location"/ Hospital/ A school in the underground

Things To Keep In Mind: The first part is in first person perspective, after that all of it is third person. Also skeletons now need to breath because Haru logic...


              I went outside nervously fiddling with my hands as I looked at the taller figure standing a few feet away from me. They slowly started to approach me, their orange scales and gleaming blue eyes becoming much more visible. I know I have to run away but there's no use, I've already tried that countless times and it's always the same outcome. At this point I wasn't sure if I was paralyzed with fear or by the freezing climate (he had taken away my vest). He firmly held my hands behind my back, forcefully pushing me to the ground while I just sat there trembling.

"Not attempting to escape or struggle? When did Crypto become so obedient?" the reptilian-like monster said in mock-amazement. "Hmm... What would be a good reward"

"Y-you could u-um... Let m-me go?" I suggested.

              His bright blue angered eyes soon met with my extremely paler blue terrified ones. He swung his fist at my cranium causing me to yelp in pain. I felt snow all around my skull, making it increasingly harder breath.

"H o w  a b o u t , n o . . ."

            A female hyena monster paced outside a wooden door awaiting a response. Their orange, yellow, coral, pale blue, fur was poofed up, and she was playing with her gold sun necklace, obvious pointers that she was anxious. The sound of the door handle turning added to her already nervous state. Staring at the vest in her hands only made her worry about him more. A light lavender monster with a round head three different colored floating feathery spikes and pointy snout holding a clipboard peeked outside.

"Miss Dawn?"

              Dawn's ears perked up at the sound of her name. The monster gave them a brief explanation of what -- they thought -- had happened. She looked at the monster in disbelief, before speaking.

"May I see him?"

"Sure, I don't see why not," -- Dawn quickly runs towards the door -- "But, be careful, he's still recovering"

              Dawn entered the light yellow room trying to be as silent as possible keeping in mind her friend's injury.

"Crypt, you won't believe the explanation the doctor gave me" Dawn said, wiping away a few worried tears from before.

              Cryptogram sat upright, trying to ignore the agonizing discomfort of his wound. His plain white, dark brown, translucent lonesleeved shirt, black pants, and blue sneakers did nothing to help him keep warm, they were all covered in snow. Dawn eventually noticed and handed Crypt his vest. He put it on and motioned for her to continue. "It's not relevant, how are you feeling?" Dawn sighed, easily avoiding the unasked question. "Terrible," Cryptogram laughed, smiling regardless of the state he was currently in. "The doc said I'll be okay by tomorrow though"

"Great! But why haven't you said anything, you know about Celtic?"

"No one needs to know, -- You're lucky I even told you -- it's my own fault for not being strong enough to defend myself. He'll get tired of bugging me, eventually."

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