So Muscular

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"Mummmmmeh!" I scream down the hall from my bedroom leading to the dining room and kitchen.

"Yes?" my mother yells from what I hope is the kitchen.

What? I'm hungry! And by the way, it's precisely 8:01 pm on a Friday and I haven't eaten anything today apart from an apple for breakfast, a cup of water, and disgusting soup from the cafeteria.


Trust me.

It's weird.

Weirder than me.

And that ain't normal.

"I won a million cash!" I screamed.

"Sure you did."



Excuse me.

Was that doubt?

I'm sure that was boubt. I don't like doubt.

"I ain't even lying!" I start down the hall while tying my long pink hair into a pony tail.

"I made macaroni,"


That woman knows me well.

I mean, it feels like I've spent my whole life with her.

Oh wait.

"How many servings am I allowed?" I ask as I sit on the cushioned dining chair and smell the cheesy bowl of epicness in front of me.

"I don't care, have it all."

My eyes light up and I bounce in my seat.




"Sure. I had a big lunch." she sits across from me and wipes her eyes.

"I love you so friggin much." I mutter before grabbing my fork and stuffing my face.

"Aw, thankyou darling. I love you too."



I was talking to my dinner.

But I guess I love her to.

I mean, she did dedicate 2 hours of her life making this for me.

After finishing my first serve and licking the bowl clean, I ask my mother a terrible question.

A question that I should never have asked.

I don't know why I did when I look back on it now.

"What took you so long?"

Oh no.

Oh dear God.


What in the world of door handles was I thinking?

"Are you questioning my cooking abilities?" she puts her hands on the table and frowns.

"No I-"

"I can't believe it!"

"No I wasn't-"

"Do you like it?"

"Yes but-"

"Well you aren't having anymore! Say goodbye."



Oh no she didn't.

Did she just.

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