11 3 1

"Tash. Come out here." I heard Kerry whine from outside the bedroom door. I ignored her and squeezed my eyes shut even tighter.

"Fine. You leave me no choice. I'm coming in, but you better not be naked because Matt's coming too." Kerry stated as she rattled the door handle.

I don't want to speak or see Matt right now.

As soon as the door opened I threw a pillow at whoever was there.

"I cannot be hurt! Mwahahaha!" Kerry exclaimed.

"Make Matt go away." I groaned, still underneath my pillow.

"Fine. K, he's gone."

I slowly took away the pillow and looked over to Kerry. She crossed her arms and sat down next to me.

"What the...?" she asked.

"I think I like him." I blurted.


Wasn't supposed to say that.

"I knew it!" she screamed as I face palmed myself.

"But don't tell him, please." I whispered, pulling her back onto the bed.

"I have to get you two together now!" she threw her arms in the air and smiled widely.

Oh dear god.

"No. Things are fine the way it is." I said, keeping my eye on the door.

"You are a poopy pants. You haven't had a relationship for ages."

"Neither have you!" I stated, pointing to her.

"Well... um... yea but Tim from school has a major crush on me so I don't need no boyfriend."

"Flipping every flipping boy at flipping school has a major flipping crush on you!" I screeched.

She just stared at me with eyes wide.

"Sorry. I lost my cool."

After all of that we decided to just...






We ended the party, kicked Sally out, and now we're just chilling on the couch.

But to me, it's really uncomfortable chilling.

Matt and I haven't made eye contact since the whole... thing. I didn't want this to happen. I mean, I didn't think that he would do anything with any other girl because he felt something in that kiss.

Well, I know that he felt something. Just the way that he looked at me after we parted at the supermarket. I just...

Fell for him.

I don't know. I have never been in love. So I don't know what it feels like. And I don't know if I want this to be love. I don't know if I'm ready for love to just make its way into my life. I don't know if I want to fall in love, then have all of that romance, but then just have my heart broken and ripped apart.




"Tashyyyyyyy!" Kerry sing-songed, waving her hand in my face.

"What? Your interrupting my thoughts!" I screamed, nearly deafening her.

"Ok, ok. Go back to thinking your thunks."


Is love something that comes and goes? Or something that stays no matter what you want. Is it a choice? Or is it a compulsory feeling that you just have to feel during your lifetime.

And what about all the complications when you fall in love? There is the possibility that someone else loves you. Or, of course, the possibility that the person you love does not love you back.

Is that heartbreak?

Or is that just a challenge that you have to win so they can love you back.

Do you just give up?

And do you just push away that strong feeling that makes you want to be with him, night and day.

24 hours.

Seven days a week.



Sorry about the suuuuuper short chapter but it's sorta like a filler to keep you going.

I hope that you Mattasha shippers are okay!



See what I did there?



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