Chapter 17: Rest for the Restless [Expedition Final]

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My dark eyes narrowed at the sight of the passive animal, roaming around the bushes in the dark. The night wind caught a few strands of my dark wavy hair, sweeping it to the side of my face as I huffed out a little white cloud into the cold air. The muscles in my upper arm tensed up as I drew the string back, my bow stretched out, ready to send the sharp arrow flying out at any moment.

The deer was going to be our dinner tonight.

I let my lids fall for a minute, my vision darkened as I cleared my head. It has been so long since I hunted outside the walls again. Immediately, my persistent eyes fluttered open and my slim fingers released hold of the string, sending the swift arrow through the cold air at my dinner-to-be.


His dark murky eyes glanced around the walls at all the unordered papers pinned about, observing all the past photos of various people. The corporal was inspecting one old photo in particular. It was just a timeworn photo of me with my late governess who was coaching me how to wield a bow. I looked so different back then, my dark hair held back in two little pigtails with that retarded smile of mine, my determined eyes targeting for the plum.

Oh, how I miss those good old days.

Theresa was the woman who had first placed a blade in my shaky unstable hands, locking me into a room with a perilous monster. I had to be the one who slayed it for dinner or dinner I shall become. That was how she taught me the meaning of this world. Theresa’s training was harsh, but it was everything I had left.

It provided hope I never thought existed. 

“Quit staring already and put on a shirt before you catch a cold.” I bluntly commanded the quiet man who winced as he sat up in bed.

God could not describe how gladness and relief filled up to the brim of my soul to see Levi awake without loose pieces here and there, but I wasn’t exactly the type to jump up and hug a man with two bullet holes in his abdominal.

I wasn’t the type to hug anyone at all, really.

My arm swiftly threw over the green Survey Corps cloak at the grumpy Levi, still keeping the bandage between my gritted teeth, securing it around the reopened wound on my arm. That was the only cloak left that wasn’t tattered into unworkable pieces, not counting the dark one that hung from the corner of the room.

My boots resonated with every step I took as I walked over and knelt beside the old mattress, handing over a piece of roasted meat. He immediately eyed it in disgust, taking note that it was burnt and probably doesn’t look too appealing.

Yeah, probably I wouldn’t eat that too.

“I tried, alright?” I scoffed in an annoyed tone, rolling my eyes at the usual attitude Levi always gives off. Levi finally took the bone off my hold, eyeing at it like titan puke. His dark watchful eyes trailed after my figure as I threw my hunting gear back at the corner of the room. My arm reached over for the neck of my old guitar, slumping down next to him where I started loosening up the tuning pegs.

Man, the strings were blemished as shit. Oh, you poor thing.

My tired orbs drifted up from the worn-out guitar in my lap and eyed at the corporal, and he finally shifted them away to the corner of the room at the dark cloak when I shot over a dirty look. He’s been real attentive about me ever since he woke up. I don’t really blame him either after all the shit he’s been through.

But still, those dark eyes of his were seriously pissing me off.

I muttered under my breath and lowered my eyes back down to the guitar, loosening the last peg before the steel strings would be unwound. My fingers ran down the smooth wooden body of the acoustic instrument, admiring the ancient beauty of it.

Light in the Night Sky [Levi/Rivaille x OC] (Heavy Editing)Where stories live. Discover now