Chapter 6

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Jake pov
I went to Tessa room to wake her up with my merch gun but she was sleeping with Emilio then I decided to change it up I grab my camera 🎥 and pretend to take pictures and say
Yes ,perfect,amazing,yes yes
And stuff like that it was the perfect prank
Emilio pov
I heard some noises and saw a big flash actually a lot of flashes then release that it was jake taking pictures of us ugh
E-cut it out jake
J-okay will that was great same time tomorrow
E-get out
J-okay okay
Tessa pov.
I open my i see Emilio talking to Jake to get out and stop taking pictures after that I pretend to be asleep then I pretend to be barely waking up after Emilio sat on the bed again
T- hey Emilio
E-hey how did u sleep
T-good u
T-well I am going to get ready
E-me too be right back
This is my outfit ⬇️⬇️

I open my i see Emilio talking to Jake to get out and stop taking pictures after that I pretend to be asleep then I pretend to be barely waking up after Emilio sat on the bed againT- hey Emilio E-hey how did u sleep T-good uE-goodT-well I am going...

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Emilio pov
After Jake left Tessa woke up she decided to get ready and so did I this is what I put on

After that I go down stairs see Erika making breakfest E- wow pancakes give me give meEr-slow your role this is for everyone E-whatever and bye the way who says slow your roll this days Er-whatever then u aren't going to have any of my pancakes in...

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After that I go down stairs see Erika making breakfest
E- wow pancakes give me give me
Er-slow your role this is for everyone
E-whatever and bye the way who says slow your roll this days
Er-whatever then u aren't going to have any of my pancakes in tell u say the magic word
E-okay I... I'm sorry 😑
Er- there we go
*tessa wakes down the stairs *
E-hey Tessa
T-hey Emilio
Er-hey T
T-hey Erika our shall I say mom
Er-no u shall not 😑
T-okay okay
*kiss Emilio *
J- hello jakepauler I hope u are smiling I hope u are laughing and I hope u are saving on them hater bro so here Im is the crazy man *points at Emilio* who jumped off my window into the pool let's rolllleee the clip
*shows clip of Emilio jumping*
T-uh when did this happen
J-last night
E-we well talk about it later okay
J-hey Tristin guess who jumped off of that window
Tr-omg dude your lucky to be alive right now
E-I want to do it again
E-j want to do it again
Tr- might as well jump form the roof
J-well it's not a lot of difference it's just a few more feet
E-I'm going to do it.......

Hi hope u liked this chapter I know I haven't post in a lot of time I was on vacation then I am busy because school is starting but here it is hope u enjoyed sorry for the misspelling

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