Chpater 5

135 3 2

The date
Tessa pov
When we're on are way to star bucks Emilio and I where holding hands the whole way there we were hoping no one was following us or take a picture then everyone will no we are dating
*skip to star bucks *
E-if u want you can go get a set I know your Oder already
E-hey yes can I get a Carmel frappe and a green tea mocha (I don't know there actually Oder so I just made it up) thank u
Emilio pov.
I tell Tessa to go find a place to set because I know her Oder already when I'm done ordering I go find where Tessa was setting and a couple of fans where taking pictures with her then I got to the bathroom because I don't want anyone to see us here both together when I came back I saw a man talking to her and getting really close so I go up to them and told her we are taking our drinks to go so we go grab them then we leave
E-you okay
T-yeah I good thank for saving me back there
E- no problem I don't want anything to happen to u 
No one pov
They look in to each other's eye for 10 seconds then start leaning in for a kiss they kiss for a good 10 seconds
They stop kissing they didn't know what it was so they just leave
*skip to team 10 house*
Jake pov
When u was on My instagram i saw that team 10 ships posted a picture i click on it and I can't believe what i am seeing Emilio and Tessa kissing this picture already has over 10 million views say ''a love no one thought was real but is #temilio4life''
Oh my god i run  to chance and Anthony room and show  them the pic Anthony said
My boi is a player
But chance said nothing he was even a little mad it look like so I go to tell Erika she said
What how come she never told me she was going out with Emilio and she didn't ask me too help fix her outfit wow
I laughed a little we looked at each other for a long time then I get back to reality
J-I am going to show nick
E-okay ya
Dam I think I like her never mind that I need to show nothing nick after I show everyone Tessa and Emilio come home
J- temilio is home
T-what are u talking about
J- I am talking about this new VIREL picture
*show the pic*
T-oh my god where did u get that
J-oh so it did happen it's wasn't photoshopped
T- my god jake
She runs to her room Erika runs after her then I can come down
E- hey Ivan
Jake and Ivan star at each other then yell
and they both start laughing 😂
Emilio pov.
After I heard that I just went to my room but I knew there were just messing around but it was kind rude Tess took very hard then I go check on Tessa
Tessa pov
Come on in
Emilio walks in
E- u okay
T- yeah I'm fine took it a little rough
E - I can see
I punch him on the shoulder but not to hard
T😁 want to watch a movie
Emilio pov
I see Tessa fell a sleep I turn off the movie and cover her up but then
T-you can stay here if u want
E- okay
I took off my shirt and rest next to her I really love her but how well i tell he.

That is it hipe u like this chapter ando enjoyed it comment done below on what u think I can improve on and I didn't check again to lazy so sorry for the misspells
bye 👋🏼

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