Sleeves? Yeah no?

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***warning*** same as last chapter

Bruce's POV

"Hey we need to talk, what's going on?" I said to Asryia as I gently shook her. She awoke sobbing "everything" was all she said and I pulled her tighter into my chest. "Hey what's been happening, Steve told me to check your wrists. Can I please check them to see if they're infected?" She rolled up her sleeves and there were gashes on her arms from the start of her wrists to the indent of her elbows and they were extremely infected. "I'm sorry dad, I just couldn't handle it, I kept everything bottled up and I guess it just exploded in my face."  

Asryia's POV

I was crying so hard that I felt like I was going to vomit. I tried to be as open as possible and I still feel like crap. My dad picked me up and brought me to the lab, he cleaned the gashes on my arms which made them bleed heavily and I just sat there. I cried because I couldn't feel the pain, it felt like I wasn't alive. My dad looked at me and said "your eyes are glowing white." "Don't worry it happens" I responded back. I felt dizzy and I ended up vomiting from crying so hard. My dad held my hair for me and and he called for Steve to come and help clean it up while he helped me get into my bed. I ended up falling asleep and when I woke up I realized that I was out for three days, everyone had brought balloons and teddy bears. I'm not in the hospital am I? I looked around and noticed something red drip onto the floor, I looked to my wrists and the gashes were open and bleeding heavily, I started screaming but this time I was awoken to Natasha trying to calm me down she was sitting in my bed and I was pulled close to her and I hugged her. I had a nightmare. I looked up at her and she was about to cry. "Nat what's wrong?" She just stared at me with her mouth moving but no words came out, I looked around me and there was blood every where, it was on my bed, my sheets, my clothes, and Nat's hands. "Dad! Come quick please! I think I broke Natasha!"
I'm sorry I haven't updated this book in a while and for the short chapter, I just haven't had time I'm working 3 jobs and still have homework. Please bare with me. I need your guys' honest opinions should I continue this book?

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