Chapter one

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No ones P.O.V

How many drinks had it been? He wasn't to sure, all he knew was that the words where spewing out of his mouth and that the bartender was starting to look worried.

How long had it been until he felt a pair of warm hands grab his own, followed by a gentle voice he didn't know the bartender had? He didn't know, or what he had been saying.

But he did know one thing for sure, he was crying. He didn't know when the blue and yellow tears started pouring out of his eye sockets, but they where there.

Grillbys P.O.V

Sans came here quite often, most of the time he stayed for about 20, 25 minutes, then left. But tonight, he came in with his head down. He ordered a drink, then another, and then one more. After his tenth I cut him off, he was starting to make less and less sense as the drinks kept coming to him. Finally after a long period of silence, and as everyone else at the bar left, Sans spoke.

"I don't know why I bother anymore, they'll just reset it, again, they always do," He looked up, tears welling up in his eyes. "I can't even protect my own brother, my body just freezes up and I just watch him be killed by them. Again and again. I can't stop them. They won't stop. Dammit Grillby it's not fair. Why won't they stop?" He kept on like this until closing, Papyrus didn't seem to be picking him up anytime soon, and I wasn't about to send Sans out their, so I let him stay... He kept rambling "Then when they don't kill him it's because their hunting down me. When their not doing that their killing him. And then when she tries to keep them from leaving they kill her. When was the last time they freed us? Will we ever be freed again?"

"Sans,"  I finally spoke, grabbing his hands, my hands stinging from the tears falling on them "Sans, please, slow down... what are you talking about?"  He looked at me, more tears falling. Before a broken voice, one I've never heard him make filled the room.

"I don't know,"

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