Children Of Eden

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"Ugh, Monica, turn this crap off! It's terrible!" Rachel made a face indicative of disgust, getting up from her position on the plush carpet and crossing Monica's room to eject the CD.

"Hey, cut it out! I liked that song!" Ignoring her friend's protest, Rachel reached for the black CD case and scanned it for a disc that was more amicable to dancing. After she found one, she turned up the volume and began dancing around Monica's room. Monica rolled her eyes.

"You're crazy," she insisted, rolling over on her stomach on the bed and reaching for the remote. Rachel refused to be called crazy, though, bobbing over to her friend and taking her by the hands, forcing her to stand up and dance with her. Monica resisted, playfully swatting her friend with a pillow. After a few more moments, Rachel turned the CD player off completely and joined her friend on the bed.

"So, do you think my parents suspect yet that you're just coming over here to have sex with Ross after I'm asleep?" Monica teased, smiling widely. Rachel rolled her eyes, but was obviously a little offended.

"Shut up, you know that's not how it is. I was friends with you before I even met Ross." Monica nodded.

"I know, I know. I was just messing with you." Rachel had been dating her brother for almost 6 months, now. At first, it had made Monica somewhat uncomfortable. The idea of her brother and her best friend making out in the room next to hers was more than she was able to stomach, but she got accustomed to it after a while. Besides, she knew how happy they made each other.

They girls were having one of their patented "girls night". They got into their pajamas around 7 o'clock and then watched movies, listened to music and snuck some of Jack and Judy's alcohol until they fell asleep. However, truth be told, Monica did usually pass out first. Rachel had found herself in Ross' room on several occasion when this had happened in the past. She wasn't sure if Monica had ever found out, but she didn't think she'd really mind, anyway.

Monica pulled a bottle of Vodka out from under her pillow that the girls had been slowly nursing throughout the night. She took a small swallow of it and twisted her face as it slid down her throat, burning her stomach. She handed it to Rachel, who did the same.

"How have your parents never figured out that we steal their liquor, Mon?"

"Oh, I just fill the bottle back up with a little water before they wake up in the morning. They've never said anything." Rachel nodded, taking another sip. The girls sat in silence for a few moments, watching some infomercial that was flashing images of a ridiculously priced, hand-held vacuum cleaner across the screen.

"Okay, so I've got to ask," Monica finally blurted out. Rachel smiled, having known that this was coming at SOME point during the night.

"Have you and know...yet?" Rachel shook her head.

"Really?!" Monica squealed in disbelief. Rachel nodded again, confirming her previous answer. "How? I mean, you guys are alone together A LOT. Don't think I don't know that you go over there sometimes after I fall asleep." Uh oh, Rachel though. So she DID know. Monica was smiling, though, indicating that she really didn't mind.

"I don't know," Rachel began, "I mean, it's not like we don't do...other stuff. We've come close a few times."

"Well, then why haven't you?" Monica was gripping her pillow tightly to her chest, surprised at how eager she was to hear about her own BROTHER'S sexual activities. Usually, that would have disgusted her. Something about the fact that it was Ross and Rachel intrigued her, though.

"I guess it's my fault. I mean, I'm just not ready. I'm sure that if I told him I was, he'd have no problem with it."

"I think that's probably the understatement of the century," Monica joked. Rachel smiled.

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