Who Am I? :Chapter 15:The hideout

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Jack and I calmly explained everything to Rose in hushed tones. Her expression was blank, she seemed scared, We hadnt exactly lied to her but we hadnt told her the full truth either.

"After I offered you shelter and a place to hide, I can't believe you guys didnt tell me the truth"

"We are sorry Rose,but we've changed, we arent those killers anymore all we wanted was to live a normal life".

"How can you guys think of a normal life after killing innocent souls and I might just be your next victim,please you have to leave, I know I'm old and knocking on deaths door but I dont want to be assasinated, I actually want to die of natural causes." she was fidgetting and already ushering us outside the door.

"Please, Jack and I begged, just for a few days and I promise we won't hurt you, we have given up on that life and we have told you the whole truth"

She didnt talk to us for over twenty minutes before she finally answered

"Ok, you can stay"


I was scared, not for my life but for the lives of these innocent teenagers that were with me. I was less than their ages when Germain had my parents killed claiming they betrayed him. I witnessed the horror as my father's last words were "run my child" I was too mortified to even move my legs but just when I was about to be shot Germain ordered his men to bring me with them, I screamed and yelled and cried but I couldnt do anything but follow him giving I was just 9 years as at then, I was reported missing and since I never really knew my relations, the case was swept under the rug. All these years I had killed and assasinated innocent people, strictly on Germain's orders but I have never forgotten what he did to my parents, that day I swore that I would be the one to kill him.

"Go left Dake, park close to the oak tree, this is one of our hideouts".

"I'll go in then, luke, Dake and Lindsay should follow me, the rest wait in the car, get out your weapons and wear your face masks this is about to get bloody."


We had reached one of Jacinths hideouts, Lex ordered a few of us to follow her. she knew a secret alley way into the hideouts, there were no guards there, The first guys she saw was at the entrance up the step, he hadn't seen her coming. She quickly attacked him from behind and slit his throat, he fell lifelessly to the ground with blood spluttering out his neck, I felt like I was watching an action movie and unfortunately this was my life. I had never even seen a dead body up until now,but I had turned to an assasin overnight? how ironic. She quickly grabbed his weapon and added to an empty space in her pouch.

Assasins wear special shoes that don't make noise or even squeak when deeped into water, everything was cutom made and designed from the finest of materials.

We all climbed up the stairs leading to a large room, on sighting us, some of the peoole who were enjoying a drink while chatting, got up to their feets and started shooting, we ducked and avoided the bullets. We all had one mission. Kill or be killed.


I was scared,frustrated sad and enraged. How did my life turn this way, from sitting out in the patio with my parents enjoying barbecue, to waiting in a tinted SUV, basically on a death mission.
we were now 4 left in the van after Lex and the others had gone to the hideout where Jacinth might be.
I didn't want anything to happen to anyone let alone my sister.
Everyone in the van was practically praying for a miracle.

"Jenny don't worry, everything will be fine, we will pull through"
Liam said while cleaning my tears. I hadnt even realized that I was crying.

what do you think will happen in the hideout? comment and share the word of this book. I promise more action packed chapters.

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