I: Dawn of the Dead

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Author's Note: This was already uploaded on FF.Net, but I'm going to upload it here as well.

Also, I want to make it better here.
I'm thinking about having more plot elements like foreshadowing and parallelism. Fixing mistakes in general as well.

I'll be uploading the first three chapters to get you guys started and then the rest will be uploaded every Wednesday.

Oh and the chapter arts will be updated with digital eventually XD

I'll also have a Question of the Day at the end because I love those :) Okay okay I'll stop talking XD on with the fic!


Riverdale for the last few months had been anything but the perfect, quaint little town you read about in comics. But of course, if you've read the prequel to this story, you already know what I'm talking about.

Yes, I'm talking about the murder of Jason Blossom, the perfect, rich heir, football co-captain of Riverdale. Every town has one, every town secretly plots to get rid of him. Spoiler alert, it was his father, and it got everybody and especially their parents riled up over the whole thing. I'd rather not go into the gory details here, else I wouldn't be writing this book separately, no, I'm here to talk about the mess it all ended up making.

After we uncovered the sick truth about the Blossom's, their son's untimely fate, relation to the Cooper's, and their drug business on top of the maple syrup... we thought we were done with them. Oh, how wrong we were.

That spring day started out just like every other we enjoyed before the Blossom drama erupted all over us like a volcano that had been inactive for years. I was sitting in a booth at Pop's Diner with my best friend, Archie Andrews, his girlfriend, Veronica Lodge, and my own, Betty Cooper. We were talking about something—I can't remember. I just remember laughing and being so happy. The others were too; you could practically see the light reflecting off their big, toothy grins and the windows to their everlastingly merry souls. It was as if nothing had happened. As if Veronica had always been there, or Betty had always hung out with us. Archie seemed especially beaming with positivity.

Ever since he had put all of the drama behind him, it was like removing the mask he had donned. No longer was he "Bad Boy Archie", he was now officially "Boy Next Door Archie." It pleased me to an extent to see him lowering his walls and coming out of his tense state, but something about it seemed more like a facade than the actual facade to me. You can sense things like that once you're friends with someone for a while.

Me and Archie, we go way back. Even when we weren't friends, he decided that it was his moral duty to stick up for me and fight my fights. It was no shock that we became fast friends(our fathers worked together anyway). My dad actually wanted me to stop hanging out with Archie after he began backing me up. Apparently, I needed to fight my own battles. Truthfully, I didn't want to fight anymore after meeting Archie. He was everything I wanted to be. Strong, tall, great with women... not to mention strikingly good-looking. Only thing I wouldn't want would be his intellect. He's got edge, sure, and I don't like to brag but, let's just say I'm the sharpest in the knife drawer that is Riverdale High when it comes to common sense.

I'm not the kind of person to sugarcoat anything, ask around. I'm not afraid to admit that Archie lacked complete common sense throughout the whole bit of drama. Tragic, what happened with Grundy, but Fred refuses to send him to therapy. Maybe he just doesn't need it. He's Archie, he can get through anything.

Specifically, that spring day that we all hung out, I remember eating pancakes. They were the fluffiest, lightest, barely even singed pancakes. The butter provided was enough to melt your palette just thinking about it. Butter slathered all over the hot cakes was just heaven in such a small dish. The pancakes had the diameter of a football, but don't get confused, because they were in the most perfect circle shape. My only regret was ordering just one stack of five.

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