XVII: Call of Duty

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There were few people who I went out of my way to avoid.

Cheryl and Veronica were these people. Cheryl I could avoid easily since she avoided me most of the time. However, Veronica I was forced to hang out with due to her interest in Archie. We never got along.

One of the reasons was Betty. One time, when we all went out as a group, I had to pick everyone up. Veronica was first since she was closest, and I swear on my life that she leaned over to me from the passenger's seat and told me, "Betty's into black hair." Then, she caught herself, realizing I shared her hair color. "I mean, boobs. She's into boobs."

"She must really like me and Archie. I don't know any dumber boobs." I replied with a quickness that almost scared her.

"Betty likes scissors." Veronica even had the nerve to fist pump because she thought she had the most amazing comeback.

I remember tsking because I couldn't believe she was this bad. "I guess I'll ask her if she wants me to fit scissors into our BDSM routine."

Veronica huffed, her face as red as a rose. "Betty loves me!" It was her last resort.

Her having the audacity to tell me, Betty's boyfriend, burned me up internally. I put up the front that I didn't care, remaining silent the rest of the way. I never told anybody about it because I didn't think it was a problem even if Veronica and I had a small rivalry. Of course, it turned out to be as the death of Betty had been pinned on Veronica and I was forced to stand her for Archie's sake.

Now, I had to save everyone from Jason, and Veronica was one of these people. No matter what she had done, she didn't deserve to die at the hands of that freak. Who knew what he would do to her.

Archie sat on the edge of the bed with worried eyes that pierced my soul. He had no idea what was going on, and I wasn't inclined to tell him the full of it yet. Just like at the dinner table, he'd probably think I was crazy.

I didn't have a plan. All I knew was that we needed to escape and I had to kill Jason. He was a menace to society that needed to be stopped. He was planning on taking over the world with that cordyceps virus and his zombie army. If I could stop more people from turning, then I could stop his plans. Then, it hit me.

"I need you to go get the girls out of here. I'll meet you all by the barn." I ordered Archie.

"What are you going to do?" Archie turned his head slightly.

Coolly, I slipped the wood cutting knife out of my pocket. "I'm going to kill my main character," I said.

Archie furrowed his brow. "What did Jason do?"

"It's not important right now, just know that he's dangerous, and you need to get the girls and go!" I yelled as I headed out of the door.

I descended the stairs and headed for the den where I had last seen Jason. The fireplace was still crackling, but in the barely lit room, I detected no presence of the undead redhead. Then, one of the snow globes fell from its place on the mantle, making me jump. Disappointed, I set my sights elsewhere: the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Archie was attempting to get Veronica out of bed. She was wide awake and had been the whole night, but just wouldn't get up. Archie tried everything. Promising her things and trying to cheer her up, but nothing worked.

"Ronnie, I'm not going to leave you behind!" Archie cried, exasperated.

Veronica whipped around on him. "You should!" she screamed. Seeing his shocked hurt at this, she turned back over and brought her knees to her chin.

"Why, Ronnie? Why would you want to be left behind where you'd get killed?" Archie sat beside her.

She turned her head to lock her scared eyes on his worried. "I'm a murderer, Archie."

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