chapter 17- OHIO

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*corbyn POV

I was the last one awake everyone was laughing we were 5 minutes away from the hotel we were staying in.

We pulled up and exited the bus it was only like 10:00 so we decided we were just gonna sleep so tomorrow we wouldn't be tired in the morning

Kaitlin: I can't believe we are dating

Corbyn: it's weird isn't it

Kaitlin: yeah to think that I interviewed you and then this is what happened

Corbyn: yeah

Kaitlin:it's your birthday in 3 days your gonna be 19

Corbyn: it's the morning we go home

Kaitlin: oh Ok

Corbyn: we are gonna be playing a few games on stage tomorrow

Kaitlin: that'll be fun

After we talked for another 1 hour we finally drifted of to sleep
We woke up to the door knocking I answered the door jack was stood their with everyone else

Jack: do you mind if we come in

Kaitlin: why are you all here

Johna: there's this man taking pictures outside our windows

Kaitlin: Ok

Corbyn: I'm gonna get ready

Kaitlin: me to

Me and kaitlin got changed in the bathroom and joined the boys

Corbyn: let's go to set

We went on to the stage or set what ever it's called with kaitlin we introduced her and then sat down for a game interview kaitlin was hosting

Kaitlin: Ok boys these are from twitter

Kaitlin: corbyn how did we meet

Corbyn: well Kaitlin interviewed us about our new song and we got asked a question about me being single and the boys made a joke about kaitlin asking the question not a fan so then we hit it of

Kaitlin: jack how is you and your girlfriend

Jack:we haven't seen each other in a year but we are doing a long distance relationship she is coming back for corbyns birthday her names hollie she's in South Africa because her mom is ill but she's doing better now

Kaitlin: that's good to know can't wait to meet her

Kaitlin: what about you Zach any girl

Zach: no I get told I look to young
Kaitlin: we discovered jack has a talent other than singing it's golf

Jack: I mean what can I say

Kaitlin: can you boys all share a talent you all have in common other then singing

Jack: me Daniel and Zach can solve rubix cubes really quickly

Corbyn:I'm slowly getting their

Kaitlin: good for you guys what about modeling I mean you guys can sure do it

Johna: we did have to do some modelling

Kaitlin: Ok boys let's play some games dare is first here's the phone we will take it in turns to read a dare jack your first to choose who you want to do the dare

Jack: kiss kaitlin I want corbyn to do that thanks

Me and corbyn kissed the fans were screaming like crazy

Corbyn: pick out a fan and sign their head with your signature I pick Zach

Zach: Ok you their what's your name

Fan: Annie

Zach: hey

Fan: hi

Zach: do you mind if I sign your head

Fan: no

Zach signed her head and then came and sat back down

Kaitlin: sorry you didn't all get ago Thanks for letting me come on stage now they want to hear you sing

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