chapter 30-

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*kaitlin POV

I subscribed to Cora and put bell notifications on she just uploaded a video singing shyness I couldn't wait to hear it because I haven't her it yet

I went down into her room with my MacBook

Kaitlin: Cora congratulations on 1000 followers in a day

Cora : thanks

Kaitlin: do you want to help me with something

Cora: yeah what

Kaitlin: well I need to model my new merch coming out on shop

Cora: so what do you want to do

Kaitlin: model some cloths with me

Cora: really

Kaitlin: yes

Cora: thanks mom

Kaitlin: we need to leave earlyish in the morning 10:00

cora: ok I wake up t 9:00 anyway

Kaitlin: ok come up soon because Hollie and jack are coming over in 10

Cora: ok ill be up in a minute

Kaitlin: ok

I headed back upstairs corbyn was back in the loving room setting all the movies on the table

Kaitlin: hey babe

corbyn: hey how's  Cora

Kaitlin : she just hit 1000 subscribers

corbyn: really its been a day

Kaitlin: yeah in the morning she is coming with me to model some of my merch

corbyn: ok

Kaitlin: you can model some if you want we can do family pics

corbyn: ok what time

Kaitlin: were leaving at 10:00

corbyn: ok

Cora walked upstairs after a little bit and went and sat on the sofa with corbyn

Kaitlin: Cora do you want to help with these snacks

Cora: yeah

Kaitlin: can  you put all this chopped up fruit on a plate

Cora: yeah

I turned some music on my phone shyness I knew she couldn't resist it

we were all singing when corbyn joined in we finished making the snacks

the door knocked I went and got it corbyn was talking to Cora

corbyn: so your not shy anymore

Cora: no how did you know the song

corbyn: I love your voice I have watched your youtube video

Cora: thanks dad

corbyn: its ok princess

Cora: I wrote a new song

corbyn: what about

Cora: confidence

corbyn: can I hear it

Cora: I haven't finished yet when I'm done ill show you

corbyn: ok if you ever need a hand let me know

we were all on the sofa with all the snacks lay down on the table  I was on my MacBook going through my emails when I got one from a record label

dear miss price

we were wondering if we could have your daughter perform her song at our studio and we could do a record deal and sell the song if you could get back to us a soon as possible that would be fantastic.

I re read the email again just to check I had read it right

Kaitlin: Cora can I speak to you in the kitchen

Cora: yeah

we headed into the kitchen I showed her the email

Cora: its not my song

Kaitlin; well write your own song ill email telling them it isn't your song

Cora: I'm writing one at the minute but it isn't perfect

Kaitlin: well whilst we are watching a movie start writing it this is a big deal

Cora: ok

Kaitlin: you don't have to do this

Cora: I want to this is my dream

Kaitlin: that's my girl

I headed into the living room and showed corbyn the email

Kaitlin: it isn't her song so she is gonna write the other song that she is currently writing

corbyn: yeah its called confidence

Kaitlin: oh ok

jack: what's the matter

Kaitlin: Cora got asked to do a record deal of shyness

jack: oh

Kaitlin: it isn't her song so she is gonna finish writing one that she has been working on

Hollie: oh

Cora joined us I emailed the record label back

hi I'm glad to inform you

that she cant do that record deal but the good news is that she is she is currently writing a song called confidence because shyness was written by jack avaery

I will get back to you soon keep an eye on her youtube channel this week because it should be going up

I showed Cora the email and left her to write the movie finished

jack: see you guys tomorrow

Kaitlin : bye

Hollie: goodluck  Cora

Cora : thanks

it was 10:00 when Cora started dropping her head corbyn picked her up and put her in bed I picked up her song and started reading a few lines


confidence is were I'm at now and ill promise I wont be down because I standing on my own two feet


I stopped reading because I knew Cora would want to sing it to me because I didn't have the tune yet so I couldn't sing it in my head

me and corbyn locked the doors and turned of all the light we went to bed I woke up at 7:00

I corkscrewed my hair and put on a little bit more makeup then usual I put on some little hoops and packed a bag full of all the merch

I woke corbyn up at 8:00 with some breakfast and then took some to Cora's room she was sat up on her bed

I gave her some breakfast she asked me to pick out an outfit for her to wear

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