Chapter one

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The morning air was crisp, the smell of freshly mowed grass flooded the outdoors as Tyler stood nervously by the bus stop. His hands wouldn't stop gripping the straps on his backpack, the thought of a new school strangled his thoughts, and why he had to take the bus? He had no clue; it seemed like ages before the bus had pulled up to where Tyler stood. The doors gingerly opened as Tyler took one step forward and repeated that process until he was on the bus. The smell of freshly cut grass was now substituted for sweat and body odor, Tyler looked around for a seat that wasn't taken by anyone, through it didn't seem like there was one. After giving up hope he took a seat randomly and put his head down. The bus took off after Tyler had took his seat and he had gotten the courage to look at the person he was sitting next to. It was a boy that looked like the same age as Tyler which made sense since this bus was going to the high school; the boy had brown hair that was swooped to the side, he also had black gauges in his ears and was wearing a blink one eighty two shirt with ripped skinny jeans, he had headphones in that blacked out the rest of the world and his gaze was out the window. Tyler couldn't help but stare but also thought he looked like he had stepped right out of a hot topic. Once the boy had noticed that Tyler was sitting next to him he poped one earbud out and turned his attention towards him. "Hey you must be new right?" The boy asked.
Tyler simply nodded.
"Well welcome to our small town, what's your name anyways?"
Tyler stopped for a second and starting to fiddle with his hands like he didn't know his name himself. "U-uh it's Tyler." He said feeling to awkward to respond fully.
"Well mines Josh and I hope I see you around." And with that the bus had stopped and everyone had got up and left. Tyler had moved so Josh could exist. Tyler was the last to get off of the bus and watched as the other kids made there way into the school and for some reason he hoped that him and the strange kid that for some reason talked to him out of all people would be friends.

The halls were crowded with people, even for such a small school there was definitely a lot of people, Tyler felt small. He felt like a small fish in a huge ocean, like he was going to get eaten alive. He made his way to the office well at least tried to make his way there; getting pushed and shoved around didn't help. He eventually made his way there and entered entrance. There was a female at the front desk. "You must be Tyler right this way." The female said leading Tyler to another room and she took a seat and urged for Tyler to take a seat in the chair across from her.
She handed him a peace of paper that had his locker number and combination and then another peace of paper that had his classes and time periods. "If you need any help to find your classes just ask one of the teachers and they'll show you the way. Do you have any other questions?"
Tyler shook his head.
"Alright then off you go."
Tyler got up and walked out of the office and to his locker reading the combinations off the slip and trying his best to follow the coordinates the best he can. He finally got the locker opened and put his stuff in it and looked at the other peace of paper to see what  class he had.

  He sighed and walked to his first class and the teacher looked at him. "H-hi my names Tyler....I'm new." Tyler said while shaking.
"Well Tyler why don't you tell the class some things about yourself?" The teacher asked.
Tyler froze and felt like he could cry seeing all those eyes on him made him feel like he could faint. "U-um....I-i didn't move fare just to another city because of schools." That's all he could say before he froze.
"Well we hope you like it here Tyler." The teacher said seating Tyler next to the same boy he sat by on the bus.
"Nice to meet you again." Josh said with a smile.
"Yeah you too." Tyler said with an awkward grin.

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