Chapter 1 : Family

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"Congratulations for your upcoming graduation Liam! I'm sorry I can't be there to celebrate it together with your family. You know, work and all," Louis said to his childhood friend by a telephone call that Sunday morning. He just called Liam to congratulate him for finishing his uni recently.

"Thank you Lou. Don't worry, I understand. Your call is enough, we can catch up later when I come back to hometown." Louis could tell that Liam said that with a smile. He just rolled his eyes fondly before he heard his sister's voices.

"If you said so. Well I'm sorry Liam but I got to go, we're not having breakfast yet and I can hear my sisters shouting from my kitchen," Louis chuckled.

"Oh, It's okay. Go have your breakfast. Send my regards to your family. I'll call you next time," He whispered the last part.

Louis just sighed fondly, "Send my wishes to your family too. Bye and congratulations for one more time." Louis giggled.

"Yeah, sure. Bye Lou." Liam beamed before putting off the phone.

Louis sighed while wiping the kitchen cabinet when he thought about Liam. They had been best friends since he was 7 years old.

Even though Liam was 4 years older than him, the latter has treated him with kindness and was protective towards him.

The reason was when they were children, their schoolmates liked to pick on Louis just because Louis was a feminine boy. Louis occasionally loved to wear skirts, dresses and girls clothes.

His family was really understanding and supportive towards Louis choice. When he was 12 years old, a test was carried and he's been proved as a carrier. His family was really happy and they accepted him as who he is. Because Louis was just an adorable, kind, selfless and pretty boy. Even Liam and his family loved him.

Growing up together, Liam has matured and gifted with tall height, muscly body and a handsome face with deep brown eyes and brown hair.

While Louis grew into a really pretty boy with cerulean eyes, cute button nose, high cheekbones, pink lips and soft caramel hair. Louis was just a petite boy with a curvy body, a big bum and thick thighs.

Kids that used to bully him started to change their behavior towards Louis. They started trying to befriend him and even trying to make him their boyfriend. But they couldn't approach him because Louis was always with Liam and he was really protective towards Louis.

When Louis was 17, his beloved mother passed away because of cancer (RIP Jay) leaving him with his father and four sisters, Charlotte, Felicity, Phoebe and Daisy.

Her mother's death left an irreplaceable space in their family. They were having a hard time to cope with her leaves. Liam and his family helped them too because they were neighbour.

But live must go on, his father, Mark played a main role to gather their family together again. While his 4 younger sisters was still in school, Louis graduated from high school with excellent result. But he chose not to further his study in university yet because he wanted to work first to help his father. At first, his father was against his decision but after he promised that he will further his study later when they have more stable financial condition, his father finally agreed.

While his father worked as a safety supervisor at a nearby factory, Louis worked as an assistant in nearby bookstore near their house. Louis loved reading so his job was suitable for him. He wanted to look for a second job because his sisters, Lottie and Fizzy told him they too wanted to look for a part-time job to help Louis and their father. But Louis won't allow them and that's why he needed a second job.

His thought was interrupted when he heard his sisters was running towards him squealing before he was engulfed with a tight group hug from his 4 younger sisters.

"Morning Louu!" All of his sisters chirped simultaneously before helping him setting the table. "Morning girls!" Said Louis before asking them, "Where's Dad?"

"I'm here!" His father smiled while entering the kitchen before kissing his beloved children cheeks. "Good morning Lou and to all my daughters. Thanks for breakfast Lou," before he sat on the chair at the end of the table with Louis besides him.

"Morning Dad! All his children greeted him.

"Alright, what you kiddos waiting for? Let's eat." Mark chuckled.

All of his children giggled before they were digging in. Their breakfast was fun with banters and jokes while they were eating and Louis couldn't ask for more than this lovely people in his life.


I'm sorry for any mistakes 🙏

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