Want You Back

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Some things are long forgotten/ Some things were never said/ We were on one endless road/But I had a wandering heart.

Demi and her team were in the car, on the way to the Billboard Awards. She had just touched down in Los Angeles from New York this morning, she had been promoting all morning as she had just released a new song, called No Instruction. She had not been this happy in a while, however apart of her still missed the one that got away.  A familiar song came on the radio, she hadn't heard it in a while, she started to feel a twinge of guilt, she knew this song was about her. 

 I said we were opposite lovers (Said it from the beginning) you kept trying to prove me wrong/ (Said you'd always see it through) and I know that I ran you down/ So you ran away with your heart  

She had always said to him, they were too different, the band he was in had just started their career and she had just split from her boyfriend of six years, she said that they were in different positions in their life and their career, she let her head take over her heart she ended things, so he had to walk away. 

But just know that I want you back/Just know that I want you back/Just know that I want you/ I'll take the fall and the fault in us/I'll give you all the love I never gave before I left you/ Just know that I want you back/ Just know that I want you back/ Just know that I want you/ I'll take the fall and the fault in us/ I'll give you all the love I never gave before I left you  

Demi got out the car, her security guard Max beside her, like he always had since day one. She walked up the red carpet, saying hi to fans, she was about to go and speak to a reporter when she saw him. There he stood on the end, with his band mates talking to a reporter. He had become even more attractive over the year she had not seen him, his hair had grown a little and he had a small beard, he was wearing a suit with a bow tie, he looked so sexy and if no one was around she would go, grab him by the jacket and kiss him but she couldn't. She then came out of her thoughts when she felt Mike nudge her a little, she smiled appreciating it and stood near him, so she could speak to a reporter. She couldn't help but keep looking at him, as she spoke to the reporter. 

She wanted him back, she wanted what they had back, she knows she broke his heart, but she wanted to fix it and love him like she should've done a year ago. 

 I know it's hard to hear it/ And it may never be enough
But don't take it out on me now/ 'Cause I blame it all on myself

He glanced over at her, she became like a school girl with a crush. He smiled a little, nodded his head before he walked away into the venue. Her heart fluttered. Why did she let him go?! She was the only one to blame for their break up.

Demi walked into the venue, she stood there awkwardly, not knowing whether she could make eye contact with him "Demi, hi" she heard a voice say, she looked up it was him "Hey Nathan" she smiled, he gave her a hug. She missed being in his arms "how are you?" he asked "good thanks, how are you" she asked "i'm great thanks" she said "you look amazing" he smiled "thanks Nathan" she said, looking in his green eyes. It was now or never. "Could I talk to you real quick" she said "uh yeah sure" he said, he mouthed to his manager he'd be two minutes, Nano his manager nodded. 

And I had a fear of forgiveness/ (Said it from the beginning) I was too proud to say I was wrong/ (Said you'd always see me through)/ All that time is gone, no more fearing control/ I'm ready for the both of us now  

He looked at her, his green eyes boring in hers. Demi couldn't find her words "I uh..." she said "what's up Demi" he asked softly. "I need you" she blurted out, he looked at her confused "When we had our thing, going on. I wasn't ready, and when things got hard I got scared and I didn't want to admit it. I was scared, I was scared of getting hurt and having to forgive you" she said as a tear rolled down her cheek, she felt his thumb wipe it away. "I don't understand, what you mean D" he said, oh that nickname he lovingly gave her, still gave her butterflies "I know, that you may not want this anymore. But I promise you, I'm ready for us now" she said. Nathan looked at her slightly surprised "I didn't expect you to say that" he said

Just know that I want you back/ Just know that I want you back/ Just know that I want you/ I'll take the fall and the fault in us/ I'll give you all the love I never gave before I left you/ Just know that I want you back/ Just know that I want you back/ Just know that I want you/ I'll take the fall and the fault in us/ I'll give you all the love I never gave before I left you  

She looked at his reaction "this was a bad idea" she said as she began to walk away "Demi wait" he said, as he grabbed her hand, he brought her in his chest. She began to cry a bit, he kissed her head as he placed one arm around her waist and one hand on the back of her head. She looked up at him "I want you back Nath, I'm sorry for not believing in us. I want to give you the love I should have a year ago" she said. He kissed her head softly "I've missed you so much Nath, I just want us to start over. I want you and only you" she said. "Demi" he said, she looked at him "yeah" she said "Shut up" he laughed a little, before crashing his lips onto hers, she returned the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck. He pulled away, "you may want to get your make up re done before the show starts" he said chuckling, she giggled "that would be a good idea" she said, she walked over to one of the make up staff and got it re done. Nathan and Demi then walked hand in hand, over to Nathans band mates and manager "So can we go public this time" Nathan whispered in Demi's ear. She smiled and kissed him, she then pulled away "Yes! I want everyone to know I am yours" she said. He smiled widely and nodded "How about tonight" she asked "You sure?" he said "Yeah I mean I'd like to sit next to my boyfriend" she smiled "boyfriend?!" he said raising an eyebrow "uhh" she said "D, I'm joking. Why not?! We're gonna make a proper go of this, then you should be my girlfriend" he said, smiling. She smiled widely and kissed his lips, before they walked over to their seats. 

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