Evillustrator part one

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You hesitantly call out for them to come in. What if it was one of the superheros? Wouldn't that be amazing?! But then... what if it was an akumatized victim?

Out of the corner of your eye, you see your window disappearing, almost as if it was being erased! Shoot. Through it steps a boy, who seems to be around your age. His skin was a light purple, and he had red hair that blended into a darker purple. And his eyes.. It's like you've seen them somewhere before, but you can't quite place it.

"H-hi!" You squeak. You didn't want to seem scared, but this is... Well, terrifying.

"Are you going to.. to hurt me?" You ask, getting lost in those turquoise eyes of his.

"Me? Hurt you? You're (Y/N)! You're gorgeous, and smart and kind and an amazing writer and I... I could never hurt you." He says. Huh? You blush a little. He thinks you're beautiful? Wait, he's read your writing?!

"Na-Nathanael?" You whisper, your voice low. He nods.

"Only it's the Evillustrator now." He whispers as he tucks a piece of your (H/L) (H/C) hair behind your ear.

"Wh-what are you?" You stutter.  

"Doing here?" He finishes for you.  You nod.  He sighs.

"Well, today's my birthday, and I was just wondering if, well, you'd accompany me to my birthday party tonight.  Please (Y/N)!  It would be just the two of us." You blush.  Was your crush, asking you, on a date?  You smile softly, nodding.

"I'll be there." You whisper.

A Miraculous Crush: A Nathanael x reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now