Evillustrator Part two

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Nathanaels been akumatized! You think to yourself after he leaves.  You know the only way to save him is to have Ladybug and Chat Noir release his akuma... but you really want to go with him.  You sigh, and call the one person who might have a contact with the superheroine.  Alya.

"Alya?  It's (Y/N).  I think we have a problem."

****Miraculous timeskip brought to you by moi******

You sigh nervously as you look at the box of colored pencils you bought for his birthday.  It wasn't a lot, but it was pretty short notice.  You hoped he wouldn't be too mad about telling Ladybug and Chat Noir.  After all, he needed to be de-evilized.  You finally get to the boat where he told you to meet him.  He is drawing something on his tablet with a pencil.  Ladybug told you that's probably where the akuma is.  She said that all you had to do was grab it and they would take care of the rest.  

"Happy birthday, Nathanael."  You smile at him.

"(Y/N)!" He calls.  "I'm so glad you could make it."  He smiles at you and you feel yourself getting lost in his eyes again.  You can see a dark blush forming on his cheeks.  Giggling, you grab his hand and pull him out to the middle of the boat.  

"(Y/N), wha-what are you doing?" He laughs.

"Dancing!" You cry as you spin around.  You feel yourself getting a little dizzy, and stumble back a step.

"Whoa there, I've got you." He whispers as he catches you.  You let a small laugh slip out.  If it weren't for his skin, you wouldn't even know he'd been akumatized.   

 You both sit down on a bench, as he starts drawing music notes.  He really is talented, you think to yourself.

"Heh, thanks (Y/N).  I'm not as good a writer as you though."  He looks at you, hair falling in his eyes.  You let out a squeak.  Did he read your mind??

"No, no, it's just, you said it out loud!" He laughs.  Oh.  You nod, losing yourself in other thoughts.  Nathanael frowns.  

"Is... is something wrong, (Y/N)?"  he asks softly.  

Yes, you think.  

"No, everything is perfect." You glance over to the shore, where Chat Noir and Ladybug are hiding on a lamppost.  They nod to you, and you remember the plan.

"Just get the pen away from him." Chat Noir says.

"And we'll do the rest." Ladybug finishes.  

Just get it away from him.

"H-hey, can I try drawing you a birthday surprise?  I may not be the best artist, but..."  You trail off as he hugs you tightly.

"I'd love anything, as long as it came from you." 

Why does he have to be so cute saying that? You smile, trying not to give in to the pain throbbing in your heart for betraying him like this.  Even if it's not actually him.  You look up at the shadow of a bridge above you to see Ladybug and Chat Noir jumping silently onto the boat.  You cringe as you notice your hand vaguely shaking.  Taking the pencil from his hand, you start to draw a single rose.  You smile as the deformed flower appears in your hand.  You both laugh as a swarm of bees erupts from it.

And then it's all ruined by Ladybug swinging her yoyo through the rose.

A/N:  AYYYY IM BACK.  Sorry it took so long, I've been so crazy busy, I havent even had time to think about my books.  I will tryyyy to finish this book by december.  Probably.  Then I can focus on my other books, like my new eragon fanfic!!!! Im so crazy excited about that, my own ideas really surprise me sometimes!!  If you havent read it yet, plz go read it!!!! TYSM!!!

A Miraculous Crush: A Nathanael x reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now