(1) SENT TO THE STICKS ~ How to Feel

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Sent to the Sticks

Chapter 1

As I gazed around my room one last time, my eyes lingering on the boxes, I felt the burn of tears in my eyes but fiercely blinked them back. The pain swelled deep in my chest, but I shied away from it burying it deep inside me, pulling myself together I grabbed my carry-on bag and stormed out the house and into the waiting car without a second glance.

My best friends Lana, and Sana - yes I know it's a cliché - were sat in the back seat next to me, for the journey to the airport hotel. They were babbling on about something inconsequential, and once upon a time I would have been content to engage in their conversations - but not now. My mind drifted to the events leading up to today, a whole 2 months ago my family died - it had always been just me (Tiffany-Rae), Jeremy (brother), Mum and Dad, but not anymore; it was just me now.

We were driving home on the interstate when a logging truck crashed into us; what it was doing in California was beyond me. Everyone in the car died on impact - except me. I was in a coma for nearly 2 months, and during that time my boyfriend (Seth) had never left my side. My world was over. Once the doctors assessed that I would not drop dead I was sent back to our mansion to be met by lawyers and solicitors and my Dad's best friend Dave. Dave told me that I was going to be sent to live in a small town in Louisiana, called Chataignier, population: 383. I was going to be staying with an old High School friend of my Mums.

I had taken all this information in without complaint and set to packing without argument. Before the accident I would have thrown a fit if anyone even suggested leaving sunny L.A. I barely spoke anymore - I didn't see the point. At the West Bev High School I was the Cliché, the popular girl - and with a name like Tiffany-Rae who could blame me? - I was fairly tall, skinny to the extreme (not because I didn't eat but because I just never seemed to put on weight), with artfully highlighted blonde hair that waved to just below my small perky breasts, but with my extensions dropped another couple of inches. My tan was perfect and my nails had gels on them. My perfect teeth where straight, white and shiny, courtesy of Dr. Medicostas from Beverly Orthodontics. I was a cheerleader, my boyfriend the star quarterback, and my biggest worry was what colour I should next get my nails done. I was superficial and I knew it.

I woke to Lana shaking me I guess I had dozed off. Lana and Sana were clones of me both looking identical except for Lana's bandaged nose from her recent nose job. We took our handbags and headed into the Hilton tipping the bellhops as we passed. Lana and Sana were off again criticizing some girls outfit and hair, so I brushed past them to the check in desk.

"Good morning and welcome to the Hilton, do you have a reservation?" the woman said with fake cheeriness, I nodded so she carried on, "Can I have your papers then please" I handed them to her and she did a double take; the accident had been highly publicised due to who my parents were. She finished what she was doing and handed me back my papers plastering a fake smile on her face, "Your penthouse suite is ready for you now, Andrew will take you up there".

I tuned to find myself staring at an incredibly tall and good looking young man, who I presumed to be Andrew, dressed in the hotel garb. I didn't smile but something was niggling at my mind, Seth. I turned back to the woman at reception who was now dealing with another customer, and pushed my way to the front, ignoring the angry complaints from the woman I had just interrupted,

"Hey, one more thing. If a guy called Seth Jones comes in and asks for me; you give him my room number immediately, I don't want a call about it or anything like that I don't care if it's against hotel policy, you send him up to my room, got it?" She nodded looking a little taken aback; Lana and Sana were staring at me with Joy on their faces; that had to be the most I'd said since waking up.

I trudged back to where they were standing and then headed towards the elevator. Once inside as the doors were about to close I flung my hand out and turned to Lana and Sana,

"Thank you for joining me but really all I want to do is sleep now," I said, they both starting crying looking utterly ridiculous and I think I heard Andrew laugh but try to conceal it as a cough.

"Tiff, were going to miss you SO much!" they said after about 5 minutes of whimpering exiting the elevator. I sighed as the door closed and rubbed my temples in circular motions.

"Hi, I'm Andrew" said the bellhop holding out his hand, I shook it without smiling, "You don't say much do you?" he said and the doors binged open not giving me chance to answer, He took my key and opened the double doors to a huge room with several other doors leading off it, smiled and handed me my key back.

"look you look a little down, and usually I don't do this but if you need someone to talk to just call Ed down in concierge and ask for me Ok?" he said walking out the door and closing it behind him. I sighed and looked around my room, feeling nothing.

I wanted to feel! Damnit why couldn't I. The doctors had told me that sometimes after severe trauma the brain can do strange things in order to protect itself, kind of like a self preservation thing. I knew what I needed, or who I needed. Seth. He could make me feel. He used to be able to make me scream, writhe and his touch could plunge me into ecstasy. For those of you who have been living under rock, I'm talking about sex. Seth was a great lover, contrary to his stereotype, he cared how it was for me, in fact he went out of his way to make me come, usually at least several times.

Where I should have felt yearning I could feel nothing. I was numb. I desperately needed Seth.

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