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Delicatessen was a restaurant I had always heard of but never gone to. They had these great reviews for their macaroni and cheese. Supposedly it was really good, and they had different types. It was not very far at all from where I lived, so I don't know why I never took the time to eat there.

The restaurant was on a corner of a street, and you really couldn't miss it if you tried. The lettering of the place was boldly written on the side of the corner facing the intersection, and the whole restaurant was covered in steel panels, minus the large windows. It kind of looked fancy inside, so I hoped I didn't look too under dressed. I was only wearing a pair of jeans and a black shirt with my boots, but I was fairly wet from all the rain.

I stepped inside, making sure to tap off the excess water from my umbrella outside. I could feel the hostess's eyes watching me as I did so, and it made me more self-aware of what I was doing.

"Hi, can I help you?" She spoke as I turned to face her.

"Um," I looked around to see if Zayn was already here, but I couldn't spot him. Just before I was about to ask her a question, Zayn stood up from the back corner of the restaurant, waving at me with a smile on his face. I looked up at the hostess and politely grinned as I pointed towards him, "I'm meeting with a friend."

I walked on over to where Zayn was sitting, and I could see that there were three other guys with him. They were all so nicely dressed, and it looked like they were probably just as rich as he was. Something inside me was starting to build those nerves again, but I tried to suppress them as best I could. It's just a simple lunch with a friend and his friends. Nothing to be intimidated about.

"Harry!" Zayn smiled, standing up to give me a hug.

"Hey, Zayn."

"Good to see you again," he grinned. He turned around and pointed at his friends, "Harry, this is Niall, Liam, and Louis."

They collectively greeted me as I sat down between Zayn and Niall. Niall seemed the friendliest, smiling at everything and laughing at whatever was being said. I got the feeling from Liam that he was very sophisticated yet liked to have a bit of fun, and Louis just seemed like a huge goof. This was such an odd group of friends, but they got along really well.

"It's pretty harsh out there, wouldn't you say?" Liam asked, looking out at the pouring rain.

I nodded my head as a cold shiver ran through my body, "Yeah, I didn't know it was going to rain today, nevermind a torrential down pour."

"Dude, it's supposed to storm really bad later tonight," the guy named Louis scoffed. "I'm staying in my apartment and not leaving until it starts to clear up. I hate this."

Niall straightened himself up as he pointed at Louis, "Ah, dude! You should come over to my place, and we'll finish that game of FIFA we started!"

"No," Louis shook his head. "You're a cheater at that game. Let's at least play a game that I know how to play as well."

The blond was about to protest when our food arrived. The waiter and a couple other workers came out with dishes for our table and served them all. I felt the need to try one of the macaroni dishes, so that's what I got, which was tiny in comparison to what the other guys had ordered. They served breakfast all day, so Louis had ordered a plate of eggs and waffles. Liam some fancy salad, and both Niall and Zayn ordered a burger.

The food was so delicious, and I understood why they were so well known. I had taken a few fries off of Niall's plate, which had earned me a faint glare before he started laughing. These guys were fun to hang around, and I really liked them. Never would I have thought that'd I'd be having lunch with a bunch of rich kids. I don't even think I had any friends that were really wealthy. I'm pretty sure I was a child that those parents told their kids not to associate themselves with. I wasn't good enough for them.

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