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"Dad, remind me once again why are we moving?" I asked him.

"Don't make me explain this to you again. Your mom and I are getting a divorce, According to the court, Lisa and you have to come with me." He tries to explain me.

"Yeah, I do understand that part, but why can't we just get a house here, in Ireland, why do we have to move to Florida?" I said making the puppy dog face and then turning towards Lisa and nudging her to make the face too, "Like see dad, even Lisa wants to stay here."

"You guys won't understand this now. It would totally weird if I just bump into her somewhere or the other, and ever more weird if I see her with another man. And I guess the best thing for us to do right now is stay apart from each other." He says.

I just got disappointed and said "Okay dad!" and continued packing.



"Just stay away from me. Just cause you were someone's 1+ to my welcome back party and I was pretty drunk and started talking to you doesn't mean we are friends." I said to the girl whom I had no idea was or gave a damn about.

She just gave me a look and turned around starting walking.

"Monica, freshen me up! I can't stand the air that she just contaminated."

She sprayed air sanitizer spray around us. Call us dumb but we are very protective about the air we breathe, no one wants likes to fall sick, do they?

Soon after we finished school for the day we jumped into my car were headed towards my house.

"Sian, check the hot and not list. You guys have better made TOP 20 by now." I told as soon as we got into my room.

"You're still on NO. 1 Honey." She said as she kept scrolling though the list. "Oh my god!"

"What happened? Did you guys get the position that you wanted?" I asked them with a slight laughter in my voice.

"NO! I mean yeah! But it is about that new girl, remember the one who came up to us and started talking to us? She is in the 18th spot!"

"What the hell! Show me the list!" I say snatching the laptop from Sian. "This can't be happening, how can she possible make the top 20? She isn't even that hot! There must have been a mistake. She is not worth this spot!"

"It might have surely been a mistake." Monica said trying to calm me down.

"If she made the cut before even she could finish 2 weeks of school, she has to be in our group. Sian, Monica, go find out everything about this girl! Find out where did she transfer from, what do her parent do?" I told them.

"What did you say was her name?"

"Cecilia Connor."

They stood there staring at me. "What are you staring at? GO FIND EVERY SINGLE THING ABOUT HER!" I screamed on top of my lungs. They ran from there.

Cecilia's P.O.V.

"Just stay away from me. Just cause you were someone's 1+ to my welcome back party and I was pretty drunk and started talking to you doesn't mean we are friends." she told me.

I was gonna say 'I guess you have mistaken me for someone else I suppose. I came here to ask you to the way to the head mistress's office.' But then I thought, new school, I don't wanna mess this up.

I just gave her a weird look and walked away from her.

At last after asking 5 people I got the way to her office. On my way there I noticed many people looking at me, all the thoughts that came into my mind was that, did I have something on my teeth, was my hair that messy?

"May I come in?" I asked her on reaching there.

"Ahhhhh! Cecilia Connor is it?" She asked me.

"Yup! I'm sorry I'm a bit late. I couldn't find the way."

"Ah! It's fine."

After discussing my classes and stuff for about 15 minutes, she finally let me go.

On my way to the class I bumped into this huge muscular body. Was pretty sure was a guy.

"Ouch! That's a pretty intense body you have here." I said.

"I'm sorry. Are you fine?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just embellished the part of getting hurt. I'm Cecilia" I said raising my hand towards him to shake hands.

The weird thing was he just kept staring at me. And when I looked around so where his friends. Feeling dumbfounded I waved my hand in front of him.

"I'm sorry what?" He asked me looking embarassed.

"Hahah! It's fine. I'm Cecilia." I said in my British Accent.

"That's a pretty name, just like you." He said winking at me "I'm Andrew."

Having no idea what to say I just blushed saying "You have a great name yourself."

"I'm just gonna cut to the chase. You seem pretty interesting. Do you wanna grab a guy of coffee after school? I heard you're the new transfer, so maybe I could even show you around."

"I would love too!"

"Okay great! Meet me in front of the school gate after school is over." He said smiling at me.

He was a glib talker. He seems pretty interesting too.

After the school got over, we went to a coffee shop. We didn't even sit there for 5 minutes, by then that girl who started screaming at me, came towards me.

"Hey, you're Cecilia right? I'm Honey Lex." She introduced herself and her friends aka her sidekicks " This is Sian" pointing towards the girl with perfectly straight blond hair, who had pretty blue eyes and had tons of makeup on her face, and was pretty tan, fake, I suppose yes, "And this is Monica." She said pointing towards a girl pretty similar with the makeup and, but her hair was black and she had green eyes. "I'm sorry about what happened today morning at school. Let me make it up to you by taking you to the inauguration of this club."

"Don't listen to her. She uses people to get to popularity. You have something that she wants" Andrew told me.

"And that's why I dumped you." Honey starting blabbing "Just let me do this."

Andrew coughs and then says "I broke up with you remember?"

All that Honey did was roll her eyes. "What could I possibly have that you want?" I asked her.

"Popularity. I mean as in, don't get me wrong but you are smokin' hot. And the accent on top of it. It's not even been 1 week since you've joined this school and you have already been on the school website. She just needs you to be in her group so that her social status could go even more high." Andrew explained to me.

"Oh is that so?" I said looking at Andrew and then turned towards to Honey and said, "I'm sorry but I choose my own friends. Some time back I was too bad when I was gonna ask you the way to the head mistress's office, but now I'm just at your level? I don't think I want to be your friend."

"You have no idea what you just turned down! You're gonna regret this for the rest of your life!" She told me.

"Try me!" I said. After which she just stormed out of the room.

Words travel fast they say, and it does. The thing that happened in the coffee store was pretty everywhere in the town. Wherever I went people just stared at me, pointed at me, and were talking about me.

Soon people in my school wanted to be my friend, my popularity in school rose a lot. Soon I was at Honey's spot. I was #1. Wherever I walked in school people used to follow me.

As far as this goes, Andrew and I started dating after a few dates.

Honey was pretty apoplectic about me being number 1 and her being number 2.


So that is for this chapter! Tell me what you think of this story! Please vote, comment and share it if you liked c: <3

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