Tree House Buddies :")

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My name is Jackson I dont have a home but I met a girl she lives in a home but she is always in her tree house so I climbed up today and I seen a shy red haired girl crying she looked at me I was worried but she asked me "do you wanna come in?" I nodded and she  smiled I ask her why she was crying she told me her dad just died in the army I hugged her because I never knew my family we climb down and ran into the woods to a pond that had flowers and vines everywhere she seen me looking and said "I made this I call it Magic Water" I smiled and she told me the history of this place "one day a princess came here she made the place glow and fariys and all nice things came to see it but years went on and a bad man chased them away" I know so much about a girl who I dont knew.her name she once again spoke "Izzy" izzy I thought I saided "what?" She sighed speaking "my name  is Izzy" I smiled saying "thats very pretty mine is Jackson" she giggled and kisses me on the cheek and vanishes into the cave I raced after her  when I ran in it seemed like I was in a new world she said "shhh" and took my hand and brought me to a room filled with flowers she said "you can  live here for now I will visit u I promise" I trusted her and nodded she told me she had to go home and raced home after years of hanging out I asked her out she said yes but the next day she didn't meet me there I raced to her house climbed up to find her beaten up she bleeding I cried she whispered to me "goodbye my Jackson" I held her in my arms as she left me I raced back  with her in my arms after a few years I killed myself for her. I said before she dead this is what we did i smiled as she came the next day with snacks and a blanket she said "Picnic time" i smiled at her and she smiled back she asked me a hard thing to awnser "do u have a family?" i sighed and said "No Izzy i dont sadly" she smiled saying "i can be ur family" i smiled at her saying "ok can we go to ur tree house" she nodded and we ran out of the woods and climbed the ladder i smiled a the sight of it papers and string on the walls she smiled she giggled pointing to one "this is were my dad first went and sent us pictures he went to all these places" she smiles then giggles "this is a new one is says be home soon because he is coming home soon i hope" i crawled over to her and say "what about ur mom" Izzy looks at me "she died when i was born but my daddy loves me" she looks outside "it time for u to go home and me to go home bye" she kissed my cheek again and left into her home the next day we met in her Tree House because she wanted me to help her put up a new picture she got from her dad i smiled as she hang it up and put string on it saying "he is 1 hour from home" she smiles and ran into the woods again i raced after her laughing she looked at me smiled said "wait here till u hear my voice" i waited then i heard her scream i ran to it she had got her leg stuck on a rock and it was bleeding she screamed to me "Just go Jackson leave me" i looked at her and refused i pushed and pushed the rock off of her picked her up and ran her to the cave she was bleeding a lot so i grabbed herbs and wrap up her leg and let her sleep the pain away she woke looking at her leg saying "you...fixed it?" i smiled saying "u will limp for a while so u should stay here and rest" Izzy looked at it tried to get up she stubbled and fell into my arms and she smiled up at me i said "see just be careful walk slowly dont rush it" i set her back up and she starts to walk with a limp then she looked at me smiling and kissed my cheek hugging me tight she was crying then she said "it is time i tell u the truth Jackson my dad has been dead this whole time and my parents are fostors who were forced to have me" she cried and i held her in my arms and she smiled at me and she ran off to her home and waved bye to me that is the day she did'nt come back i ran hitting my head on ever branch i didnt care something was wroung this is what was happening to Izzy her stepdad threw her into the wall of her room saying "U WILL NEVER SEEN HIM AGAIN UR UGLY STUPID DUMB AND DESRIVE TO DIE" he left her beaten up and she crawled out her window and keep saying "Jackson gotta get to Jackson" as she crawled up her ladder she fell the the floor crying that is when she seen Jackson run in i held her crying "Izzy dont leave me please" Izzy smiled "i not my love i am just dying" she giggled and she kissed my lips as she fell back into my arms she whispered "i Jackson" and her hand dropped and i knew she was gone i picked her body up and ran to the cave and read the wall of where she wanted to be buried in the pond it said so i did and sat the rest of my days in that cave writing mesages on the wall hoping someone would find them then i read i note from her crying and i stabed my slef in her spirit arms we live on today :)

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