How You Became Friends

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You and Tyler met in freshman year of high school. You went to the same elementary school but never got close. You were pretty shy and only had a few close friends. One of your closest friends was named Mark.


"Hey Y/N! Wanna come to my birthday party next week!" Mark ran up to me at lunch waving a slip of paper in my face. "Sure." I grabbed the small paper and my eyes scanned through it quickly. "That sounds cool. How many people are coming." I started getting nervous knowing how awkward I am. "Don't worry only a few of my close friends.... maybe" Mark smirked and ran off to invite more people. I rolled my eyes and continued eating.

Next Friday was approaching faster and I was becoming more anxious. I knew Mark was a lot more social then me so he had more friends. That next Friday his mom would be taking me and all of his other friends to his house after school. On Friday I ran to Mark after school right before 6 other boys and girls came. "Mark I thought it was close friends only!" I whispered to him. He shrugged his shoulders as all of us piled into the car practically sitting on each other's laps.

When we finally got to his house, Aka my second home, they all ran downstairs yelling. I followed behind biting the inside of my cheek even more nervous than I was before. Everyone started eating some chips. "Ca-can I have some?" I said too quietly. I breathed out hard and looked around. A boy, who I soon found out was Tyler, grabbed the bag and dumped some in front of me. I half smiled at him and he smirked back. A girl who I think is in my science class leans over and whispers to Mark, "Who is she anyway?" My face turned red as I heard what she said. "That's Y/N. She's been my friend since, well, forever. She's kinda quiet." I shot Mark a glare knowing that everyone began staring. They all soon changed the topic. Suddenly a girl named Amanda had an idea. "We should play truth or dare!" 'What is this, first grade?" I rolled my eyes but almost everyone agreed so it was settled. After a few rounds it was a kid named Jason's turn. "Dillon, truth or dare?" Dillon dramatically scratched the back of his neck and rubbed his imaginary beard. "Easy, dare. I'm no wuss." "Hmmmm," Jason thought. He suddenly got an idea. "Ok Dillon, I dare you to kiss," Jason thought again. "Y/N!" Amanda blurred out. Everyone's eyes shot to me and I broke out of my trance. My face turned a bright red and I shrunk down. "N-no I'm not playing." I stumbled over my words hoping I wouldn't have to have my first kiss like this. "Ew! Y/N! Yeah right. At least have me kiss someone decent." Dillon put his finger in his mouth as to gag himself. Everyone laughed but Tyler and Mark. "Great party Mark!" I ran upstairs as fast as I could hearing the laughing grow louder. I heard Mark's mom say something but I slammed the door and started balling as I made my way across the street to my house. I opened the door and saw my mom making a snack with her back towards me. "Oh hi honey how was Mark's party?" I don't respond darting to my room, slamming the door and locking it. I laid on my bed and smashed my face into my pillow screaming and crying.

Tyler's P.O.V.
Y/N ran up the stairs followed by a slam as anger built-up inside of me. I turned my head back to Dillon who was laughing. "You know you're a real douchebag Dillon?" I stood up and ran after Y/N. I heard Mark speak before I shut the door, "Party's over."

I ran across the street and knocked hard on the door. A couple seconds later a lady, who I assumed was Y/N's mom, answered. "Hi m'am. Is Y/N here I really need to talk to her. I'm Tyler Y/N's friend." I peeked around her mom looking for Y/N. "Um yeah, she's upstai-" "Ok thanks!" I cut her off running upstairs. I peeked in the rooms and one of them was locked. I heard a faint cry on the other end so I knocked.

Your P.O.V.

I heard a knock on my door. "Go away mom! I don't want to talk!" I yelled. "It's not your mom! It's Tyler." I heard a nervous laugh after Tyler spoke. "Tyler?" I whispered. I looked in my mirror and wiped away as many tears as I could before opening the door. I had to look up to make eye contact considering the height difference. "Y/N don't listen to those kids they're just stupid. Ok? You trust me right?" I couldn't help it I began crying like a toddler again and hugged Tyler. He was taken aback and embraced the hug. I could see that I was drenching his shirt but I didn't care.

Monday at school

That day I was really scared to come to school. I even tried to fake being sick but my mom knows when I lie. Later that day at lunch I sat across from Mark and he immediately started apologizing and told me he stopped the party after I left. "It's okay Mark. You didn't know." Suddenly we heard a yell and looked outside to see Tyler holding up Dillon and yelling at him. Mark and I both looked at each other with wide eyes and ran outside where Tyler was. "Tyler stop!" Mark tried to intervene but Tyler pushed him back. Tyler kneed him in the balls before dropping him again. Everyone cheered as Tyler walked inside with a smug, bad ass look on his face.

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