The Sad News

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Present Day

I heard a knock on my apartment door and I walked to my door opening it. Tyler was standing out front and he looked down sadly. "Hey Ty, what's wrong? Wanna come inside." I asked worriedly moving from the door so he could walk in. "Um actually no Y/N. I came to tell you something. I don't know how to put this." "It's ok Tyler you can tell me anything." I put my hand on his arm sympathetically as I smiled. "I'm moving to LA with Mark." Tyler spoke quickly avoiding eye contact. "What?!" I yelled. "I'm sorry Y/N. I'm gonna work with Mark there." I feel tears fill my eyes threatening to fall. "Please don't cry." I couldn't hold it. Tears fell from my eyes and I wiped them still in disbelief. Tyler walked in and hugged me tightly. "We've never been far away from each other." I cried into his shirt.

Time Skip to Tyler leaving~~

"Goodbye Tyler." I was trying not to cry inside the airport. "We can still talk everyday and skype, okay?" Tyler asked looking down at me. I nodded and he leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. We hugged one more time and my best friend left to LA.

Time Skip (6 months)

I had texted Tyler everyday and skyped with him every other day. I was scrolling through tumblr on my computer when suddenly there was a loud ringing noise and Tyler's username popped up trying to skype me. I accepted the call and saw Tyler sitting on a couch with someone behind him. "Hi Tyler!" "Hey Y/N!" He waved at me. "Who is that?" I asked looking at the person in the background. "That's Mark, dummy!" Mark walked over and waved. "Sup Y/N." "Hey Mark." Mark left as Tyler and I talked for an hour. At one point we were laughing so hard we couldn't breathe. Mark walked into the living room confusedly. "Gosh Y/N you should just come live with us." He chuckled. I stopped laughing and I thought for a second as Tyler slowly stopped laughing. "What happened?" Tyler asked catching his breath. "Would it really be that bad of an idea?" I asked shrugging. "What, you living with us?" Mark asked sitting next to Tyler with some grapes in hand. I nodded my head. "You could." Tyler spoke up. He looked at Mark with the "look" as if he was talking to him through his eyes. "I don't care if you stay here. The more the merrier, right?" "Y/N? What do you think?" Tyler looked at me with puppy eyes and his lip out. "I mean, why not?!" They both cheered and I laughed at their reaction. "You guys missed me didn't you?" I asked. "Of course!" They both said. We worked out some details and I hung up with plane tickets ordered and a place set up. I'm really moving to LA.

Time Skip (2 weeks)~~

I was sitting on the plane heading to my two best friends in the whole world. I leaned my head against the window getting more and more tired as my eyes shut. I woke up to the sound of the captain talking through a speaker telling everyone to put on their seatbelt due to landing. I put on my seatbelt and rubbed my eyes. Before I knew it I was heading off the plane texting Tyler to make sure he was there. I stepped into the pickup area and immediately saw Tyler standing tall above the rest. "Tyler!" I ran up to him catching him off guard. I hugged him tightly. We grabbed my suitcases and made our way to my new apartment where Mark was waiting. I walked into my new apartment and Mark greeted me with a hug. 'I'm gonna love it in LA'.

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