Dare time ;)

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Two days later~~

I was finally settled in to my new house and everything was going perfect. I had met Ethan, Katherine, Amy, and Mark's adorable dog, Chica. I was planning on getting my own apartment in LA but for now I would stay with Mark and Tyler. Mark had made a video with Ethan and Tyler and I would stay behind the camera with Katherine and Amy. It was time for the charity live stream that occurred every month. Unfortunately Bob and Wade couldn't make it this month. First Mark discussed what was gonna happen in the live stream and what the charity was. He also mentioned the merchandise they were selling. "Sadly, Bob and Wade couldn't make it this month. But we have Tyler and Ethan like always. We also have Katherine, Amy, Chica, and a special guest,
Y/N!" Mark announced as my face turned red looking at him behind the camera. "Come here and we can introduce you to everyone!" Tyler waved his hand over. I glared at him and made my way over knowing I didn't have a choice. I sat between Ethan and Mark on the couch and waved my hand. "Hi." I spoke quietly. "Oh come on don't seem to excited!" Ethan nudged me jokingly. "I'll try to contain my excitement." I fake smiled at Ethan. "So what's first?" Tyler asked. "Um first we're gonna play 'Chicken Horse Run'. Wanna play?" Mark stuck a controller in my face. "Um sure." I grabbed it and we played for about an hour. Ethan won, and very pridefully danced in victory. After we picked out a hashtag we started doing dares that the fans sent in on twitter. "I'll go first!" Ethan grabbed Mark's phone and scrolled through the hashtag making a grossed out face every few seconds. "Ok got one. Mark I dare you to sing about oranges for 30 seconds." Mark stood up and held his phone up pretending that it was a microphone. He sang about the fruit for 30 seconds before sitting back down. The song didn't rhyme or have any rhythm but it was ok. Amy and Katherine had to leave to pick up a friend from the airport and I was stuck. "My turn now!" Mark scrolled through twitter then he stopped on one. "Ok Tyler I dare you to draw the best self portrait you can in 30 seconds" "I'm on it!" He grabs a piece of paper and pen. He starts drawing quickly and then holds the paper up to admire his work. "Done!" His person looked like a 2 years old work but he did only have 30 seconds. "That's.... um beautiful!" I smiled at him. He rolled his eyes and grabbed the phone from Mark. "Y/N I dare you to do any dare Ethan and Mark say." He smirked at me. "Hey that's not fair! That wasn't a dare you just made that up!" I yelled defensively. "There is no rules!" Tyler shot back. Ethan and Mark whispered to each other until Ethan made a suggestion and they both laughed. "One second I'll be right back." Mark skipped off to the kitchen. "Uh-oh what is it?" I looked at Ethan who was trying to look innocent. He smiled. Mark came back a minute later with a can of whipped cream. He shook it up before saying, "Y/N I dare you to lick this whipped cream off of Tyler's chest." He started laughing at the look on Tyler's face. "No way! That's not fair!" I yelled at Ethan and Mark who were laughing. "I didn't agree to this!" Tyler tried to get out of it. "Oh come on it's not that bad!" Ethan tried to hold in a laugh. "Ok take off your shirt!" Mark shook the can again as Tyler began taking off his shirt, mumbling curse words to himself. He took off his shirt to reveal his muscular chest. I've never felt any sort of attraction towards Tyler until this very moment. Everyone thought we were dating and thought we should but I never really thought of it until now. I looked away trying not to make it obvious I was staring. "Let's just get this over with." I was almost nervous as Mark sprayed a smiley face on Tyler's stomach. "There now you have a little smiley face to lick up." He squirted some in his mouth and smiled. I rolled my eyes and leaned down. "This probably looks horrible in the camera." My heart beat faster. "Probably." Mark laughed. I licked the first eye off. Tyler started laughing hard and it made me laugh. "This is so stupid." Tyler laughed even harder and I laughed more too. I tried not to think of it sexually and just licked it off of him. "I'm not complaining too much because that whipped cream is really good." I licked above my lip where some whipped cream remained.

Later that night~~

I laid in bed thinking of all of the events that had occurred that day. I thought of Tyler shirtless. 'What am I doing?! I don't like Tyler he's my best friend and nothing more.' I tried to think of something else but every so often my mind would wander to Tyler. 'I don't like Tyler, do I?'

That ending is so cringey tho. Anyway thanks for reading and we almost have 50 reads which is cool. I hope we can get this book to as many reads as my other book (promo) but we'll see anyway see ya later!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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