The Mall

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After walking about looking like a homeless with my glittery suitcase I stopped at a near McDonalds.

I checked my purse for money " Shit, only got 30$ "

I walked in and got my order, sitting the tray down I started on my food.

Who does he think he is? ' Wanting space' the fuck ? He needs to man up he ain't all of that he think he is, he needs to understand I will never leave my daughter "

Well I can do much better but I just don't want to, you feel me?

I frowned.

I will make him regret it.


When I pulled into the parking lot of my apartment ,i saw Ciara waiting for me at the door.

"What does this bitch want?"i thought

I took the keys from the ignition and grabbed my bags from the passenger seat, I hopped off and made my way towards her.

"Hey!" I said

"Did you not see my message?"

"What message?"

"You know what message now lets go" She placed her hands on my shoulder and turned me , facing my car "By the way your hair looks buff"

I rolled my eyes " Thanks"

On our way to the mall , we were laughing and having that ' best friend moment' something that I have never experienced before because of my trust issues, every person that wanted to get to know me or get close to me I would push them away ,to be honest I kinda like her , I thought at first she was a nosey and phoney bitch that wanted to talk about everyone and everything but now I get her, she was adopted and her childhood was all about bouncing from family to family,I kinda feel sorry for her.

That's why my mom used to say:

'People act the way they do because of their past'

I felt my phone vibrating.

"I -just wanna stop and tell you how i feel about you babe- " Ciara sang along

"Wait!" I shouted

"Hello?" I said into the phone , now on speaker

"Hey hun"

"Mum, you okay?"

"No , I'm missing you soo much"

"Awh , I miss you too princess"

"When are you coming down to visit your momma ?"

"Soon , mum , very soon"

"Be quick, I thought being away from my lil girl would be alright but it ain't"She sounded upset

"Don't worry , love you" I said before switching off

After the call , there was a awkward silent

"Was that your Mom?" Ciara said looking through the window then down at her hands

"Yep"I said looking at the road

"Wish I had a bond like that with at least my adoptive mum"

"You know what you should do ?"I slightly looked at her

"What?" She said taking a deep breath

"Make it work , don't try but make it work ,trust me it will work"

"Thanks" She faked smiled at me

We were now parking the car, we walked into the double automatic doors of the mall , it was crowded today, there was kids of all ages running around and fathers, lets say mans watching their kids playing.

"Excuse me" The old lady said

I stepped aside so she could get to the escalator

I looked at Ciara. " Why is it so crowded?

"I think its ' dad and me' contest"

I glanced around "Hmm..that explains everything"

"I need the toilet, I might take my time you can start shopping" She said before racing to the toilets

Wow, now I'm by myself in the middle of the crowd , I don't even know why I'm here in the first place.

"Oh, party dress" I thought

After a good 35 minutes I found the perfect dress

"Do you have a small size of this dress?"I asked the assistance pointing at it

"I can check that for ya, i'll be 2 minutes" She replied taking the dress

After exactly 2 mins she walked towards me with the dress "Here, are you taking it ?" She asked

"Oh yeah! Do have have any accessories to go with it?"


After choosing and paying I walked out of the store.

I looked down at my rolex it was now an hour since she left"Maybe the bitch got stuck" i thought

I reached out for my phone and tried dialling Ciara's number , when I felt someone bumping into me.


I looked down and it was a little girl ,rubbing her knees, she started crying "Daddy!"

I kneeled down and tried calming the girl

"Sorry I did not see you sweetie"I said

"Angel?" A man's voice said coming towards me

"Daddy" She cried louder this time

The man stopped and kneeled down aswell " What happened?" He said

"She bumped into me , well I don't know" I said looking at him

He was - wait, the man was be-au-ti-ful

Trust me he had light brown eyes, he had waves and long eyelashes, he was dressed in a grey tracksuit and he's hand was covered in paint for some reason.

I would say he was about 7 inch taller than me.

"Sorry!" He said

"No I should be sorry,I have eyes and I don't even use them"

He laughed picking up the little girl, suppose to be his little sister. I got up and composed myself.

"I guess your name is Angel"I asked Her

"Yes."she replied

"Its a beautiful name for a pretty face"I answered


Quick update guys

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