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I don't deserve her.

she deserves better.

but i am sitting across from her in a quiet cafe, sipping a latte and staring at a pastry. she is stirring her coffee.

she did something with her hair. it's tied at a low side ponytail, clouds of golden hair tumbled over her shoulder.

i self conciously lifted up my hand to feel my own hair, only half brushed.

but she looked up and smiled, a knowing twinkle in her eye.

"you look nice," i find myself saying. i almost want to smack myself.

"you look better," she said. her face turns increasingly pink.

we stay quiet for a while. then i start laughing.

"i'm nervous," i say. "it's so ridiculous. we've been friends for years."

she laughs with me. "not just me then?"

we both share a nervous laugh and a nervous sip of coffee. and for the first time, we experience newfound, young  love,  no gods, no monsters. no world to be saved. just the two of us in a cafe, sipping coffee and laughing nervously.

we went in a walk in the park that i cut my hair in and cried myself to sleep. we sat on The Bench in front of the fountain and we talked.

she told me her dreams of having a green house when she gets older, a greenhouse she designs herself. and the book collection she hopes to have, arranged alphabetically. she told me about how she wanted a balcony overlooking a view and how none of it mattered because she was happy here in new york with me, too.

i told her my dreams of owning a dog and a cat, grown together so they wouldn't fight. and my dreams of sharing my music and my voice, but without the publicity or showing my face. i told her how i'd love to take up piano and own a baby grand piano so i can play. and i told her that all these dreams are possible and that until then, just us in new york will be okay.

we later went and moved my stuff from jason's apartment. and helped moved percy's stuff from ours. we had an awkward exchange upon seeing them, but we just trooped on and it was okay.

and i went to sleep in the guest room again at 12:06 a.m.

i dreamed of annabeth and how our dreams will mend.

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