Eden of Happiness (poem)

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This poem is a work in progress. Please don't hate.
When the tears overpower the smiles,
And the heart drowns in pain and sorrow,
Facing all the cruelty this world has to offer,
I want it to end, to end, to end
But the ending light doesn't shine with happiness,
So dejectedly I exist,
Filling this hallow shell with sadness,
With hope of leaving only happiness behind,
But then the shell shattered,
The plague of sorrow free,
Leaving behind the fragments of soul that only reflect tragedy,
Now only a void exists inside and around,
And a defeated soul lingers,
Asking for forgiveness for all the sins,
And begging for the Eden of happiness.
Darkness becomes darker,
The unloved beloved wails,
No one answers the cries,
The consuming darkness prevails,
Loneliness of a unloved heart,
Finds only void and sorrow,
The tears falling silently,
Drowning,chocking, unable to swallow,
The sound of breaking and shattering echoes around,
And shuns away all the love and happiness around,
Embracing and accepting the empty void,
The beloved accepts the hands of fate,
Letting the darkness consume the last light.

Life without love is no life at all.

By venci_swift
This is purely my own work. Don't try to copy it.
Any constructive criticism is welcome. I know this is not the best of works but I'm not a poet by any stretch so....

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Lots of love with a huge chunk of Nutella 😘

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